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So I surrender, to every word you whisper. Every door you enter, I will let you in. - Rihanna

|2 weeks later|

Harry was standing in the bedroom in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection. He was a little bit nervous; today was one of the most important days in his life and he didn't want anything to go wrong.

He kept repeating in his head what would he say. Dang, I'm so nervous. We know each other for a long time. I love her. And she loves me. But I hope I'm not doing this too early. I don't want to ruin our relationship that way, he thought. Then he looked at an old photo of him and Robyn, smiling and holding hands in front of the big waterfall.

He and Robyn were a couple a little over two years now, and they have been living together for about one year in a cottage. They were always reminding each other of that fact whenever they cuddled, whenever they went out somewhere, and during many other romantic moments when they were together.

Harry looked at another photo of him and Robyn. This time they were standing in front of the newly decorated cottage, with a black sports car seen in the garage.

Meanwhile, Robyn was in the main hall, sitting on the chair and talking to her mom on the videophone.

"Well, how are you and Harry, my dear?" Monica asked with a smile.

"We're fine, Mom. And we are going to watch a nive movie that Harry found tonight. He says it's a great romance movie." Robyn replied, also smiling.

"Is there any special occasion for going out tonight?" Monica asked, which made Robyn giggle.

"Oh Mom, is there always have to be an occasion to watch a nice movie?" "Of course not dear, I'm just asking." Monica smiled. "Hmm, let me think for a second..." Robyn thought about it for a short amount of time and she found out an occasion, but she wasn't sure about this. She also didn't know whether should she ask her mom or not, but she finally decided to ask. "Mom... do you think that Harry wants to marry me?" Robyn asked. She just did it because she wanted to be reassured about it.

Monica looked at her daughter, stunned a little. After a second, she smiled.

"Tell me, Robyn; you two live together for some time, right?"

"Yes Mom, we do."

"And you love each other deeply, right?"

"Mom! Why do you ask so obvious questions? You know that I love Ash and he can't live without me!" Robyn giggled.

Monica smiled. "Mothers always have to ask such questions, you know that, sweetheart."

"I know, Mom, I know that since I was seven." Robyn smiled.

"But to answer your question, after what you told me, I'm definitely positive Harry wants to marry you! Everything comes in its right time, dear."

Robyn smiled as she felt her heart rise in joy. "Yeah, you're right Mom... sorry for asking such a silly question."

"No, Robyn, you're not silly. It's good to ask about some matters if you're not sure. Remember that I'll always help you when you need me."

"I know that Mom. Okay, I need to go now to get something to eat, I'm starving." Robyn smiled as Monica giggled.

"Okay, sweetie. Take care, bye!"

"See you, Mom." After Robyn said that, Monica's face disappeared from the screen. Robyn hung up the phone and went to the kitchen to make herself something to eat.

Robyn smiled to herself, remembering the scene. Her mom was really surprised, seeing Harry and her kissing each other live on TV, but she happily accepted their relationship.

She started thinking about all those happy moments she got through together with Harry. She loved him so much, and she knew that he loved her back. She smiled at all the memories. I love you Harry, and I know that you love me more than anything. We are so happy together. We can't live without each other. Please, marry me she thought. She wiped her eyes as they started to well up. She got up from the chair she was sitting on and started walking to the bedroom to change her outfit.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked coming out the bedroom.

"Umm, going to change my clothes." Rihanna answered.

"Why? You look perfect with what you have on. Let's go watch a movie and eat grilled cheese sandwiches." Harry said.

After an hour of watching romantic movies and eating grilled cheese sandwiches. Harry decided it was time to pop the question and boy he was so nervous.

Rihanna sat there with happy tears collected in her eyes after the movie ended, and the amount of them grew when she looked down from the television to see Harry kneeling before her on one knee, a box in his hand.

Harry took a deep breath. "Robyn Rihanna Fenty," he began. "I love you with all my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you-"


"Wait, let me finish." Harry said chuckling.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Rihanna exclaimed.

"Will you marry me?" He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Robyn replied, leaning down to embrace Harry.

"Yes?" Harry couldn't believe his ears. It was actually happening! He was really going to marry Robyn!

"Yes!" repeated Robyn.

Setting the ring down beside him, Harry hugged his girlfriend-wait no, his fiancée-in return, then put his hand under her chin and turned her face toward his. He then closed the gap between their lips.

At the feeling of Harry's tongue entering her mouth to explore it, another surge of delight ran through Rihanna's body. Yeah, she had kissed Harry hundreds of times before, but now, he wasn't just her boyfriend. He was her fiancée, and would eventually become her husband.

"I love you, Rih," whispered Harry when the kiss was over.

"I love you, too, Har," Rihanna murmured.

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