|The Talk

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This is not just about women. We men need to recognize the part we play, too. Real men treat women with the dignity and respect they deserve. -Prince Harry

Rihanna had always been positive that if she were to die it would have been of old age

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Rihanna had always been positive that if she were to die it would have been of old age. However, at this moment there was nothing she wanted more than for the earth to swallow her whole just to end all of her suffering. In fact death actually would be a mercy at this point.

Feeling Harry sympathetically pat her hand, made Rihanna recall exactly how and why she had ended up having this discussion.

"Okay, what is this? Where are Wills and Kate?" Harry asked.

Charles waved his hand dismissively.

"They're out doing an engagement at the moment. Besides, we need to talk." Charles said.

"Why may I ask?" Rihanna asked.

Camilla now took the lead.

"Now that you and Harry are officially a couple, the two of us thought it'd be best to have the talk with the both of you." Camilla said.

"What talk?" Harry asked.

"The talk, Harry." Charles answered.

"Sigh fine, let's get this over with." Harry said.

Seeing as how he was willing to listen now, Charles straightened up and smiled. He knew his son too well. Clearing his throat with an air of authority, Charles silently gave his thanks to Harry.

"Now then, while this talk is more or less the main point of our meeting, I would like to start off on a lighter note. To ease us pass the awkward tension. So Robyn, may I ask what exactly is your intentions are with my son?" Charles said.

Rihanna smiled with ease. She looked at Harry and smiled.

"My intentions, Prince Charles, are to make your son happy and love him." She said.

"Is that all? We want to assure there are no ulterior motives here. It's no secret that while I hold a title and Harry hold a title. A lot comes with this and can be overwhelming for some." He said.

Rihanna raised an eyebrow.

"Money is irrelevant, hierarchy means nothing regardless of where I come from, and any other concerns make little sense. My intentions are to love Harry and nothing else." Rihanna said, politely shutting down any rebuttal. Camilla nodded in respect and nudged Charles. It was his turn.

"That was very well said Robyn, and I thank you for your honesty. " Charles said.

Rihanna nodded.

"Is there any plans of marriage?" Charles asked.

"No." Rihanna answered.

Harry gave a look of suspicion.

"Does this mean you never intend to marry or that you wish to wait?" Charles asked.

"Neither, I simply mean that we have not planned so far ahead. The matter hasn't even been discussed until now. So I'm unable to say whether or not there should be any reason for us to rush into anything." Rihanna replied.

Charles nodded. However Camilla wasn't exactly too keen on her answer.

"Planning in advance is important though." Camilla said.

"Camilla, we know." Harry said.

"You're right but just assure me, this is not a simple fling with her. You very well may marry her some day?" Camilla said.

Harry turned to his girlfriend and smiled.

"I certainly hope so." Harry said.

"Not to break up the moment, but now that we have gotten the facts and such out of the way. There is still an important matter to deal with." Charles said.

Harry knew exactly where this was going and quickly tried to dismiss the next question.

"Dad, it's not really ness-"

"Have you been intimate with Harry since you've started dating?" Charles asked.

Rihanna merely smiled feigned innocence. Harry's face now successfully matched Rihanna's red dress. Pulling both of his hands up to cover his face, and began to groan.

"My dear, are you alright? You appear flushed." Camilla said.

"Don't act coy. This is something I never wanted to discuss in front of my father and his wife..."

Charles took the lack of admittance as his cue to assume they had in fact already been with one another.

"Well if you two aren't denying this, we can all assume what that means. Now, Robyn, do you have any history of sexual diseases?" Charles said.

The way Charles said it with such ease was terrifying. It was as casual in a tone as though talking about the weather.

Rihanna felt like her soul had left her body.

This was officially the worst day of her life.

"This is not the time or place to ask her such a personal-"

"I have no history of sexual diseases." Rihanna said.

Harry smiled at Robyn's bluntness.

"That's such a relief. Now that we are all on the same page, Robyn, welcome to the family." Charles said.

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