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Rihanna Finally Talks About Her Relationship With Prince Harry

She's not having a royal baby anytime soon

By Margaret Abrams

Pop singer Rihanna has been rumored to be dating, or at least canoodling with, the world's most famous redheaded royal. The whispers started after the two were snapped together at a polo match. Since then, the royal has been watched closely, to see if he's ready to settle down with the songstress. Still, neither party has issued a statement about the relationship...until this dailypop interview took place.

Recently, Rihanna was hit with tough questions from The Project TV. The interview started out innocently enough, as the host asked if Rihanna was more of a Bridget Jones or an Anastasia (of 50 Shadesfame), which is a tough question for anyone. After all, would you rather be a bit of a sad sack with two potential baby daddies, or a mousy lady in an unhappy (but very sexy) relationship? Really, they should have asked if she was more of a Carrie or a Miranda, or a Blair or a Serena.

But the real excitement started when the woman asked Rihanna if she's having a baby, after she said she related to Anastasia in the latest installment. Her response was a quick, "No, I'm definitely not having a baby, not anytime soon."

Then, the interviewer really cornered her, inquiring, "Not having a baby with Prince Harry, either, yeah?" to which Rihanna was absolutely mortified. "Why did I have a feeling that was going to come up?" Rihanna asked, calling her interviewers "naughty, naughty people." Rihanna responded with a resounding no, so there won't be another royal baby anytime soon, unfortunately. Prince George and Princess Charlotte and baby number three are going to have to wait a few more years until they're joined by a cousin or two.

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