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Hey Everyone, so I've decided to make With Love, Harry, a series. I'm very indecisive but I created this book I wasn't expecting to be this successful since my other two royal books, Dusk Till Dawn & First Time, didn't really get that much attention which is my fault for barely updating. I originally wanted With Love, Harry to be a short story and then just to move on since the story was created from a dream I had but now I've decided to add a sequel and an alternative book because we all know in reality Rihanna would never be accepted and pretty sure she wouldn't give up being herself for no one. So I proudly present to you all, With Love, Rihanna and With Love, Alternative

[Book 1] With Love, Harry

[Book 2] With Love, Rihanna

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[Book 2] With Love, Rihanna

[Book 3] With Love, Alternative

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[Book 3] With Love, Alternative

[Book 3] With Love, Alternative

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With Love, Harry » RihannaWhere stories live. Discover now