|Charity Ball

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You don't want to live your life and then meet someone. You want to share your life with someone. That's what I'm missing right now. – Rihanna

Rihanna could see the lights up ahead from the back seat of the range rover

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Rihanna could see the lights up ahead from the back seat of the range rover. Glancing out the window, the venue of the charity ball came into view. The royal family was holding a charity ball in their country manor just outside of the bustling city of London. The ball would raise funds for vulnerable children in various third world country orphanages.

Needing a well-deserved break from her fashion and cosmetic line, she was able to attend the night's events in support of Harry. Internally, she was excited for the fact that she would be able to finally spend more time with Harry.

Releasing a deep sigh she felt the vehicle slow to a stop. Opening the door she stepped out of the vehicle fixing her red mermaid dress and smooth against her body.

Rihanna walked down the slim red fabric that guided her towards the event inside, delighted without the flashing of the cameras or the constant calls of her name. Feeling the tension in her shoulders relax shw began to feel more at ease; so far no one care to know who she was. A little piece inside of her stirred with excitement at that fact, tonight she could whoever she wanted to be.

A wide grin spread across her lips, parting them slightly as she took in the view that was before her. The royals knew how to throw a party and this was definitely one for the books. Lights were strung across the ceiling delicately lighting up the dark room, making it even more mysterious. The music shook her body to the core as she walked across the empty checkered black and white dance floor that people had yet to tear up.

Ordering a drink from the bar she turned around watching people fill the manor having no idea who the woman beside her or who the woman across the dance floor was. The white tables were strewn with red rose petals, each place setting meticulous laid out in a careful manner. Servers in silver color masks filled the guests drinks.

Lifting her head slowly her eyes drifted to the door, she spotted a red head man walking in by himself. Her eyes focused in on him watching his every step. Harry was looking around taking in all the decorations in awe just like she had moments earlier.

Rihanna took a sip of her drink, her eyes never leaving him as each step brought him closer and closer to her. A man beside him whispered something into his ear. She watched intently as the spread of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips forming a wide grin.

It was if Harry could sense someone was watching him. His head snapped in her direction, her hazel eyes catching his in her sight. Harry saw a quick intake of breath as her chest rose slightly. Harry gave her a quick smile his eyes telling her that he caught her staring.

Harry's eyes found her again sitting by herself at a table watching and smiling at the partiers dancing away to their own beat

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Harry's eyes found her again sitting by herself at a table watching and smiling at the partiers dancing away to their own beat. Taking one last sip of liquid courage from his beer he set it down and made his way to Robyn.

"Is this seat taken?" his deep voice spoke.

Robyn slowly turned her head to the source of the question. Recognition hit her, a smile spreading wide as her hazel eyes looked up at him.

"It is. It's yours" she let out a light giggle. Harry pulled out the seat beside her, before he even had a chance to sit down fully she started to speak. "You know... I have caught you several times tonight staring at me..." Turning her narrowed eyes at him she waited for a reply.

"I can't help but stare at something so beautiful..." Harry leaned in a little closer to whisper.

Tossing her head back she fell into a fit of laughter; Harry catching the end of an eye roll. "I am sure there are other people here that would better fit in that category than me." Lowering her head she tried to hide the creeping of heat that gathered beneath her cheeks.

"Well they're not my girlfriend." He said.

"Smart answer." She said.

"So tell me why are you sitting here by yourself and not out there dancing? I am sure your date is looking for you."

Resting her chin on her hand she shook her head lightly. "Well my date hasn't asked me to dance." Rihanna said. Rihanna locked eyes with the prince before averting her gaze in her direction of William and Kate staring at them. Harry followed her gaze laughing quietly to himself.

"And to answer your question, I am here by myself."

The next song came on, the slow beat indicated to everyone to find a partner. Harry pushed his chair back to stand up causing Robyn to look back at him. Offering her his hand he winked at her, "come on, dance with me?" he asked her confidently. Robyn turned her head, taking a quick glance at the dance floor. Sighing she looked back at Harry.

"Why not!"

Robyn placed his hand in his, his fingers forming around it pulling her behind him to the slow dancing crowd. Harry pulled Robyn's body close to his, placing his hand firmly on her hip. Her hands fit perfectly in his firmly gripping them to twirl her around the dance floor slowly. Harry looked away from her for one second much to his fault and accidentally stepped on her toes eliciting a tiny moan from Robyn. His eyes grew wide, locking with hers, displaying an apologetic expression.

"Don't tell me you have two left feet." Robyn said.

"I am so sorry. I was not paying attention." He said.

Robyn pursed her lips together.

"I think I will live." She said.

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