|Two Queens

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Baby, we meant to be. You got me smilin' all the time. Cause you know how to gimme that. You know how to pull me back when I go runnin' runnin' tryin' to get away from lovin' ya. — Rihanna

Rihanna was about to enter the Range Rover when a SUV pulled up

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Rihanna was about to enter the Range Rover when a SUV pulled up. Out of the SUV came The Prince of Wales himself. As he walked over towards Harry and Rihanna noticed a small smile on his face. The Prince stood before Harry and have his son a hug and called Rihanna over.

"Hello, Robyn, come here." He said.

The Prince, for his part, kept a diplomatic tone as he turned towards Harry. "Robyn, Her Majesty, The Queen has requested me to summon you before her in Buckingham Palace on this day."

"Dad, you can't be serious?" Harry asked.

Robyn cleared her voice and said, "Your Royal Highness, if I may be permitted to speak?" Harry sent Robyn a glare for being so formal while The Prince just cordially nodded. "Your Highness, why is it that Her Majesty has summoned me?"

"That, my dear Robyn, is something that will have to wait," The Prince said with a tender smile.

"We'll just deal with whatever it is together." Harry said.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible. Your grandmother requested that Robyn comes by herself and that's an order, Harry." Charles said.

"Now then if there are no more questions," The Prince waited and looked back and forth between Harry and Robyn. Harry shook his head and Robyn, whose mood was neutral about this, also shook her head. "Good. Robyn if you'll get your bag out of the car and meet me at the car."

Robyn did as she was told and moments later Robyn found herself sitting next to the next King of England. "Now Robyn, our time alone is brief so for now we may dispense with the formalities. You may address me as Sir or, as I prefer, Charles."

"Sir, if I may reiterate my previous question, why does the Queen wish to see me?" Robyn asked with a curious tone.

"I don't exactly know myself, I'm finding out pretty much as you do. All I know is that she wishes to discuss Harry and permit residency with you." Robyn's eyes widened again and before he could ask The Prince said, "Yes, Mother is aware, as is the parliament of your serious relationship with Harry. All of this all be discussed in the meeting."

"Now remember, Robyn, you must be on your best behavior in front of The Queen. That means bowing when introduced, speaking only when spoken to, first referring to her as 'Your Majesty' then as 'Ma'am,' subtle formalities that are important," said Prince Charles as they walked down the corridor towards the Queen's chambers.

Robyn, being escorted Prince Charles of Wales, was a bunch of nerves as she hastily proceeded down the corridor. In the time since her arrival about half an hour previous she was introduced to The Duke of Edinburgh and the two young princes, taken to a private chamber and undressed and took a quick shower, dressed in a more formal dress that surprisingly fit, and now was getting a crash course in court procedures.

"Also make sure you don't turn your back to her," Prince Charles admonished, "Mum hates it when people turn away from her!"

"If it's a choice between The Queen and myself," Prince Charles said chuckling, "pick The Queen."

"Right," Robyn said hurriedly as they neared the door.

"Oh, and one more thing," Prince Charles said absentmindedly, "Most seriously, if for some strange reason something should happen that threatens your life or the life of The Queen you are duty bound to protect The Queen at all costs." He said as they reached the door.

Robyn smirked slightly before saying, "I think that I can handle that."

"Good," Prince Charles said before turning to the usher next to him, "We're ready."

The usher nodded before opening the door and announcing, "Your Majesty and those assembled, announcing the presence of The Prince Charles of Wales, and Ms. Robyn Fenty."

Robyn steadied her breath as she was announced. It was her intent not to make a fool of herself in front of The Queen. As formally as she could be Robyn stepped into the chambers that held the some high power looking people including The Queen herself seated behind her Resolute Desk. Robyn walked to the front of the desk and bowed politely.

The Queen stood and motioned for the usher to close the door. "Greetings, Ms.Robyn. We are pleased to have you as our guest. Please have a seat."

As Robyn sat down she remembered her crash course and said, "The pleasure, Your Majesty, is mine."

While Robyn got settled The Queen said, "Robyn, as my son, The Prince of Wales, should have told you, We are aware of your relationship with my grandson, This is for obvious reasons as the overall reaction to the public to your relationship with my grandson. I would like to know your intentions. I must protect my family at all cost."

Robyn nodded before saying, "Your Majesty I would be happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability."

Standing aside The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh moaned slightly while other members chuckled at Robyn's mistake. The Queen, meanwhile smiled broadly, "I will certainly take you up on that offer, Robyn. You will find out why family finds what you said funny as well. However we have pressing matters to attend to." The Queen turned to an empty space in the room.

"Everyone except Robyn leave the room." The queen said.

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