[34] Don't worry- it's instinctual!

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Lance stood arms folded and shirtless in front of the pool, watching as the kids they had rescued splashed around.

It had escaped his notice before, all the previous times he had visited the library, but the pool was actually huge. Certainly big enough that the ex-swimmer in him was just a little excited - although he was trying his best not to let that show.

"Why did you force me out here anyway?" Lance asked with a groan, rolling his head back to stare at Therra. He's been tending to Rolo before she had ambushed him and pushed him towards the door, Kelaan only shooing them out when Lance complained.

"Because," said Therra, adjusting one of the straps on her swimsuit. "Being around the sick and injured all the time isn't healthy. And you've been cooped up in there for days now."

Lance was about to argue, but was interupted by loud whoop as Matt cannonballed into the pool, drenching Lance's lower half in the process.

He yelped and took a step back, Therra only laughing at him. She leaned in closer to Lance, but he took another step back to leave some distance between them.

"Get in." she ordered, a wicked grin planted on her face.

Lance took yet another step back.

"Not yet," he replied hastily, turning his back to the water. "It's been so long, I don't even know if I remember how to sw-- oof!"

Therra kicked him square in the stomach, causing him to stumble back and fall into the pool.

"Don't worry - it's instinctual!" she yelled over Lance's screeching as he resurfaced. "Or at least, I think it is!"

The nearby children laughed as Lance pouted, though that expression was quickly replaced with one of surprise as Mik used him as a stepping stone, tail swiping over Lance's face.

Therra laughed, plucking the child from the air and resting her on her hip. She began to adjust one of Mik's arm floaties, still sending that wicked grin in Lance's direction.

Lance pulled himself out of the water, flicking his hair to the side. It only succeeded in blinding him, causing Lance to yelp and flick it the other way.

He flushed at the sound of laughter, turning to poke his tongue out at some of the children, which caused them to burst into more gigging.

Three of them swam over to the edge, eyes peeking up over the surface but otherwise submerged. One had webbed fingers, whilst the other two were covered in scales. Water-based planets, Lance suspected.

"And who might you be?" Lance asked, sitting by the edge and letting his feet dangle in the water.

"Skisch." One of them replied, pointing to the one next to her.

"Skisch." the second said, before breaking off into giggles and ducking his head under water. the other two began laughing as well, thoroughly confusing Lance.

"What's so funny?" Lance asked, helping the third to stay above water, their laughter too heavy to swim properly.

"We're all Skisch." They said in the midst of the laughing. The Skisch next to them gingerly grabbed their arm to help stay afloat, but it took Lance's attention that he was very hesitant about it, though the little webbed-hand Skisch showed no discomfort over it.

"Your home planet?"

"No, silly!" the first scaly one said. "That's Paciatl."

"We're all Skisch!" the second repeated.

Lance tilted his head to the side, trying to work out what they meant.

"Is Skisch a popular name where you're from?"

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