[50] We didn't need saving

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"Soooo..." Matt started as he fell in stride with Therra. She narrowed her eyes at him, but didn't tell him to get lost.

Matt considered that a victory.

"So?" She prompted, impatient after he didn't continue.

"What've you been up to lately?"

Therra let out a grunt. "Why does it interest you?"

"I'm a curious man, you'll have to forgive me." Matt replied easily, stretching his arms above his head as they walked. "I like to know how everyone's been, especially now that I hardly leave the medbay."

"Why? It's not like you need to be by your friend's side all the time."

"But who would annoy Shiro if I wasn't there?"

"I'm sure somebody would pick up the slack."

"Are you jealous?" Matt asked after a pause, shit-eating grin making its way onto his face. Therra stared at him, mouth open.

"What? Why would I be?"

"You want what Shiro and I have," Matt shrugged, though the grin remained on his face. "Never leaving each other's sides, always having the others' back..."

"Like you do now?" She smirked, 

Matt brushed off her comment with a wave of his hand. "Irrelevant."

"Uh-huh. Sure."

"Shiro's asleep again, and I'm hungry," Matt explained at Therra's scepticism. "I'll grab a bite, and be back at his side when he wakes. He doesn't even need to know." 

Therra pursed her lips. "Or you could just check on him once a day. You shouldn't neglect your duties because he's your friend."

Matt chuckled. "You seriously haven't noticed? I don't exactly have much of a job on this base."

"Neither do I," Therra pointed out, chin held high. "But I still pull my weight."

"Rinnai, Rinnai," Matt shook his head, patting her shoulder. She pulled away with a scowl. "Humans will do anything to avoid actually doing work. It's in our blood. Besides, with Kelaan's illness and Lance away, somebody needs to check up on Rolo and Shiro."

"Lotor could."

"Lotty is a literal child," Matt said. "She can do the basics, like bandaids and feel-better kisses, but that's not going to save Shiro's ass if we get attacked again."

"Again?" Therra turned a little to look at Matt, and he nodded.

"Oh yeah, that's right - that was about the same time Lance saved you and your sister."

"We didn't need saving." Therra shot back in a huff.

"Suuuuuure you didn't. A broken arm, several ribs, maybe a few scrapes here and there." Matt listed, nodding to her ear. Therra scowled again.

"My ear's got nothing to do with this," she said, feeling the familiar nicks under her fingers.

"Where'd you get them, then?" Matt said curiously, peering at them. "They line up with your piercings on the other side, right? Did they tear—"

"It was just a couple cowards." She cut in sharply, eyes flashing. "Thought I'd be an easy target to pick on."


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