Chapter 16

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I was laying on the Sofa watching TV and blankets on me while the dogs around playing, I knew I was sick I had a fever if I didn’t have this fucking fever I would have been watching the boys performing which is killing me because it would have been my 3rd anniversary since I first met lostprophets but I couldn’t go that day was special to me and they also planned stuffs but they won’t chancel anything because I am sick since it was already in the package, Lee’s wife have been here the whole time since the boys left I told her to go she said she will stay and look after me but I felt bad I have to make up for her but I wasn’t in the mood for something, the dog ran to me and licked my face I had to push him what if he got sick because of me I pushed him away with all my power and he went to the other side thanks god Lee’s wife left or I would have gone crazy from her, every second she would tell me to eat or drink something but I won’t blame her she didn’t want me to be sick, I sighed and put the blanket on me. I heard someone walking inside I didn’t even give a fuck I wasn’t in the mood for anyone

“Michelle” Ian sang and he pulled the blankets from me, I looked like a shit I swear, there were the guys and Ian oh let’s not forget the boys wives standing looking at me I took the blanket and hide under it

“aww poor Michelle she is shy from us” Luke said

“NO” I screamed, Ian took the blanket from me and carried me but hugged me my small body were like a baby body to his body

“we have to bring you to the hospital you know we have to travel tomorrow right?” Ian asked I hide my face between his chest so the guys won’t see my face

“but you know I hate doctors” I said blushing, first of all I was red second of all blushing and having fever is like a real tomato great

“but you have to, plus everything will be fine” he kissed my forehead

“I am fine” I told him, he touched my forehead

“see you are so sick” he told me, he started walking outside the house I was wearing a pajama a fucked up one, now who cares what I wore I was sick but we are leaving the house and Ian is carrying me.

“Michelle?” Ian asked

“what?” I raised my head to see him

“I will have to hide your face so the paparazzi won’t see you” he sat on a bench and I was still the same he took of his jacket and he put it on me and hide my head with the hat behind the jacket and we started walking my eyes were getting weaker

“Ian do you love me?”

“I do Michelle” he kissed my forehead

I woke up feeling the heat and my eyes were full of tears I couldn’t do anything the dream made me wants to cry more Ian cared about me in this dream but what happened yesterday I didn’t knew If it was real or fake, Ian was drunk and I don’t have the face to ask him about it like imagine I would go to him “Yo Ian, did you really meant the fact you love me?” I would faint before even telling him that, I sighed and knew I had to get ready because my parents are coming over tonight

“Michelle?” My grandma said as she came in and sat next to me


“still crying?” she whipped my tears and I hugged her I wanted to cry more

“come on don’t cry, your parents just reached they are at the airport get ready and everything, when they will leave I am ready to sit and listen to your whole story okay?” she said as kissing me I nodded and she walked outside.

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