Braxton's House

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We arrive at Braxton's house a little after six-thirty. Someone had left food in the oven. We sat and ate making small talk until we were through eating. Then I washed the dishes as Braxton sat and watched me. When I turned around he was there. He put his hands on my waist and brought me closer. "Now that seemed homey. Watching my woman wash dishes after eating dinner."

"Your woman? That sounds possessive. Just a small warning, Braxton. I won't be controlled, by you or anyone else. I have taken care of myself for over ten years. I am an independent woman. I will remain that way."

"Yes ma'am! And quite frankly, that's what attracted me to you. I'm tired of women who want money, a rise in social status, and arm candy. You are very straight forward and that itself is sexy as hell to me."

"So what is the deal with your brother? And why is he coming here?"

"My brother and I share taste in women. When I fucked you at the office, I knew that he should have a taste."

"So you brought me here to fuck your brother?"

"Not just my brother, but me too."

"Sooo, a threesome?"


"Why? What is wrong with him, that he can't get his own?"

"There's nothing wrong with him. He just doesn't have time to sort out the gold-diggers from the genuine."

"How often do you do this?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions."

"And I will continue until I am satisfied and comfortable with the situation. You don't like it? Take me home. Plain and simple."

"This is the second time that we have done this. The only other time was when he was already here. She thought that she would have a better chance with Jaxon. She didn't realize that we saw through her ploy."

"What is expected of me this weekend?"

"Great conversation and mind-blowing sex. No strings."

"What can I expect from you guys this weekend?"

"Mind-blowing sex and great conversation."

"What about birth control and STD's?"

"I have a box of covers. But I'm clean. You?"

"I'm on the pill and I haven't had sex in over six months, until today, but I am clean also."

"Next question?"

"What if Jaxon doesn't like me when he gets here?"

"I don't think that's going to be a problem, darlin'!"

I spun around and spotted a sexy dream standing there by the door with his muscular arms crossed over his equally muscular chest. A dimple in each cheek. And sparkling grey eyes. "Sorry darlin', I have been eavesdropping."

"Welcome home Jax."

"Thank you Brax. I'm thinking that its going to be an awesome weekend! And I have covers and a clean bill of health too. So are you comfortable and satisfied with all of this?"

"I am pretty much there."

"What other concerns do you have?"

"Only that I won't be able to keep up. Also I need to let you both know that...... I'm being stalked by my ex-boyfriend. Hopefully he won't be able to find me this weekend. He usually shows up at my apartment on Friday evenings and follows me everywhere until Monday morning. He's done this since we broke up seven months ago."

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