Found Her

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Cammy's pov:

I don't know what time it is, but I feel like I'm not alone anymore. It feels like I just went to sleep. I open my eye and see a large figure looking out of the window. It looks like Jaxon or Braxton. My vote would be Braxton. "Braxton?"

He turned and saw that I was awake. Then walked towards me. "You know that Jaxon will be disappointed that you didn't say his name first." He said smiling.

"Why are you here? I told you not to come."

"Yes you did, but since I'm an adult, I do what I want."

"But I don't want to be seen. I look horrible. Please leave."

"Afraid I can't do that sweets."

"Why? You just said that you do what you want."

"Well I see that the blows to your head didn't knock out your quick wit." He sat down in a chair that he brought over. Then took my hand. "I can't and won't leave until I am satisfied that you're ok. So....are you ready to tell me why you left us?"

"Because I was trying to defuse the situation. I thought that if I snuck in the back way to my apartment, that I could call the police and have him arrested. Then I could relax and enjoy a weekend, free of a stalker for the rest of the week. He was standing in the shadows by my door. He attacked as I unlocked the door. I punched in the emergency number into my alarm. He thought that I just turned it off. But he was able to do a lot before the police got there..... I heard you and Jaxon talking about the scars on my back. I knew that I had to stop Jimmy. When he came after me then finished, he would come after you guys. I couldn't let that happen. I think that it would be for the best if I quit my job and move to another state under an assumed name."

"Jaxon is worried about you. He's coming tomorrow. Between the three of us, we will figure out what can be done. Until then, when you get out of the hospital, you will live in my house."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because he will come after me there and I won't put you in danger of his temper."

"He won't beat us."

"Well hell Braxton, he won't be inviting you to tea! Do you not see what he's done to me? The bastard is a violent man! I don't want you or Jaxon hurt! Honey, please listen to me. I can't handle the thought of you guys getting hurt, especially if it is because of me."

"Sweets, I'm listening to you. Now you listen to me, ok? We won't get hurt. We will beat this bastard. He's caused enough pain for you as it is. We refuse to allow him to do anymore."

"But I'm not your responsibility Braxton. Its always been me, alone, against him or anyone else." I paused to catch my breath. Why isn't he just leaving like anyone else? "I depend on Cammy, nobody else."

"Are you trying to lie straight to my face by saying that you can't depend on Jaxon and me?" I stayed quiet. I couldn't lie to him. "No answer? That in itself, is my answer. You care for us. You trust us. And we do you too. Whether you will admit it or not, you are stuck with us. Now this is how its going to be. When you get out of here, you will go to my house. You will spend time recovering at my house. I will get you a new phone, that way the prick can't trace your phone or harass you. Is there anything that I've forgotten?"

"I'm tired Braxton. I'm tired of arguing with someone who can't understand that I am poison hanging around his neck. I'm tired of everything! Just let me sleep. I just want to sleep forever." I pulled the sheet over my head. I slowly went to sleep.

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