Where's Cammy?

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Jaxon's pov:

I wake up as the sun is rising through the open curtains of the window. I realize that I'm not in my bed. Then remember last night, Cammy! I smile and roll towards the middle of the bed, she's not in bed. The bathroom door was open, but no noise was coming from in there. Her phone was missing from the night table. I get up and put on my jeans. Then go downstairs, she's no where to be found. There was a note on the fridge.

'Hey guys, I'm sorry for the way I left. But I need to try and get rid of Jimmy and his temper. I don't want you guys brought into his eye sight. His temper is bad enough when he thinks that he is being wronged. I will try to call one of you as soon as I can. Please forgive me. You guys are awesome!
Love ya,

Damn it! I run back upstairs. "Braxton! Wake up!" I start getting dressed. Braxton hasn't moved, just moaned. "Damn it Braxton James! Wake up! She's gone!"

Braxton opens his eyes and looks around. "What?"

"Cammy left last night. She went home without our protection."

"Shit! Let me get dressed." He got up and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Then we went to her apartment.

"How did she leave without the alarm going off? Did you give her the code?"

"No! Last night was the first time she's been here. I don't give anyone the code. But I honestly don't remember setting the alarm last night. I was in too big of a hurry to get upstairs." We got to her apartment and knocked several times. "Maybe we should call her? Since she's not answering the door." Braxton dialed her number. No answer.

"Jaxon, she's not going to answer the phone either. Lets go find something to eat. We'll try again later."

We went to IHOP and ate. "What's her number? I'm going to try to call her again." I dialed the number several times throughout the day. Still no answer. Sunday was the same thing. "Apparently she doesn't want a repeat or even talk about it. I won't force myself on anyone. I've left a lot of messages and she refuses to answer. I give up and going home today."

"Alright, at least we had a little fun."

"Yeah, it was really good! Too bad we only had one night. Just call and let me know what you find out from her this week. She may avoid us here, but not at work. Unless she quits her job, which would be extremely stupid."

"I will brother. Be safe and let me know when you get home."

"I will. See you later." I went to the small airstrip and boarded my twin engine Cessna. I decided to try again. It went straight to voicemail. "Hey Cammy, if you ever want to get together and talk or whatever, just give me a call. I'm going home now so I won't be bothering you again. Stay safe." I went through my checklist and flew back to Montana.

I texted Braxton.
'Hey brother, I'm home. Safe and sound.'

'Great to hear.'

'Remember to let me know what you find out.'

'I will. Be safe up there. Heard there's a storm headed your way.'

'Yeah that's what I heard. See you later.'

'Later brother.'

I walked into my cabin and unloaded my laundry into the laundry room. As I was getting something to eat, the storm hit. Lightening flashed and thunder rolled, and rain came down hard. Times like this is when I want a good woman with loving skills. I dialed Cammy again, this time I didn't leave a message.

Monday evening came and Braxton text me.
'Cammy didn't come to work or call in as far as I know.'

'I'm confused on why she didn't at least answer one of our calls. And I really liked her.'

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