Off The Market

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  Over the next few weeks we got into a nice groove. I would help Jaxon with the horses and cows and chickens. Aaron moved himself and his wife, Ella, into the house. Aaron was almost done with the remodeling, it was looking great! We had went and gotten a marriage license.

  Yesterday Braxton and Gina arrived with my car and belongings. I had told them to find a family in need to give my furniture and household goods to. In the meantime, that stuff was in storage. Today I am having the hardware removed from my jaw. I was so ready, but Jaxon was driving me crazy with his over-protectiveness. "Jaxon, honey, either you quit pacing and mumbling to yourself, or I'm going to scream! I love you with all my heart, but you're making me nervous."

  He stopped pacing and looked at me. "Sorry sweetheart. I'm just stressed out. What can I do to help you out?"

  "How about plan a small wedding ceremony to take place when this is all over and done?"

  "I can do that!" A nurse came to take me to the room to get rid of the hardware. "I will see you in a little while sweets."

  "I want that wedding planned when I wake up."

  "Yes ma'am!" He bent to kiss me. "Later sweets! I love you heart and soul!"

  "Later babe! I love you heart and soul! Now plan my wedding! I want to marry before Braxton and Gina leave." And away I went.
Jaxon's pov:

  I watched the love of my life get wheeled out of the door and down the hall. I pulled my phone from my pocket. "Brax, is everything going to be ready?"

  "Relax brother! Gina and Ella are picking up the dress now. The cake is being made. You're clothes are back from the cleaners. Aaron is talking to the judge about doing the ceremony."

  "Good! They just took her back. So they said that it would be about an hour or so."

  "Are you sure she wants to get married tomorrow?"

  "Well she did tell me that she wanted to marry before you guys leave and to plan the wedding while she's in there. So I would say yes she would want to marry tomorrow."

  "Well that just shut me up! Alright brother, keep me informed."
The next day*

  "Why do I have have to wear a certain dress?" Cammy whined. She wanted to wear her sweats and t-shirt.

  "Because I want to marry you with you in a dress. Please!" I finally begged. Cams was speechless.

  "Oh Jaxon! Are we getting married today? Why didn't you say something?" Cammy jumped into my arms and kissed me deeply. "I love you, heart and soul! Now get out so I can dress!"

  I left the room and went downstairs. Everything was in place. Gina and Ella saw me and went up to help Cammy get ready. Aaron and Braxton were sitting on the back porch with Aaron's aunt Brenda, and uncle Tim, who would perform the ceremony. I gave Braxton the rings that I had picked up yesterday. "I finally had to tell her that I didn't want to marry her in sweats, before she would put on her dress. She should be ready soon. Everything looks great! I want to thank everyone for the help in getting everything set up."

  Cammy's favorite flowers, white roses and purple tulips are her bouquet and on the arch looking toward the mountains. We will be looking at them as we say I do. I am wearing a pair of charcoal gray slacks, light gray shirt, and boots. With a white rose buttonere and white Stetson. Within fifteen minutes Cammy sent word via Ella, that she was coming out. We all took our places. When Gina came off the porch, she walked to stand across from me but my eyes were glued to the vision of my bride. I've never seen a woman who was more beautiful. Cammy's hair was piled onto the top of her head in curls some spilling over her shoulders and down her back. Her dress was a light silver in color that had a v-shaped neckline and came to her knees. The trim around her neckline, sleeves, waist, and hem was ivory white. Her silver two inch heels went perfect with her dress. She wore a diamond and pearl necklace. She detested make-up and flashy jewelry. But the most beautiful of her features, was hands down, her wide smile. As she got closer, I saw the tears in her eyes. I mouthed 'I love you sweetheart!' Her tears spilled down her cheeks as she returned the words.
Ten minutes later.

  "I do!" Cammy answered.

  "I now pronounce you man and wife! Go ahead and kiss your bride." Tim said.

  I turned Cammy to kiss her as her new husband. After a few moments we are interrupted by laughter all around us. When I looked into Cammy's eyes, she still had tears. "Sweetheart, please tell me that you're not in pain. I'm hoping that these are tears of joy, and not anything else."

  "Tears of joy, love, excitement, happiness, and relief. I'm so in love with you Jaxon Andrew! I had never dreamed that I would be this happy. Thank you for loving me!"

  "Get used to the feeling, my love. I will spend the rest of my life loving you with all my heart, soul, mind, and body! You are the most loved person in the universe."

  "Alright now break away and tend to your guest! I get to kiss the bride!" We heard Braxton say.

  "Only if I can kiss the groom!" Gina came back without missing a beat.

"Fine! I won't kiss her lips!" He grabbed Cammy's shoulders. "Welcome to the family Cammy! I know that you'll be very happy with Jaxon. Now we just need to talk nieces and nephews!" Cammy laughed and Braxton kissed her cheeks then let go. After all the well wishes and congratulations were said, we sat down to a barbeque lunch.

"Well is everyone ready for round two?" Cammy asked out of the blue.

  "What's round two?" Gina asked.

  "Come with me ladies!" She kissed me and the ladies left the dining room.

  Braxton smiled at me. "Well brother, wanna be my best man?"

  "Hell yes! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I hugged him and slapped him on the back.

  "Well I haven't even asked Gina to marry me. Cammy and I have been working on it. She picked up the dress the day before we got here."

  "She told me that it was for Ella. Alright then, lets go outside! Your bride will be ready soon."

  "We are getting married inside! Follow me brother!" We went into the formal parlor where the fireplace had candles lit and red and white roses with baby's breath were on the same arch that we had used outside. Tim and Aaron had brought it in and Brenda was decorating it.

  "I gotta admit it. I love it! This set-up fits Gina. No way will she say no!"

  "She's ready and coming downstairs. Good luck Braxton!" Ella said as she entered and stood to the side.

  "Here's the rings. Now watch the way your supposed to do a surprise wedding." I took the rings that he shoved into my chest and stepped back.

  As Cammy came through the door, my breath caught in my throat. She was so beautiful! She stood across from me as Braxton was looking at his bride-to-be. I couldn't take my eyes off Cams.

  Braxton went down on one knee and held out a ring. "Gina, my love, I want nothing more than to be your husband! Will you marry me?"

  "Yes, I will!" She gave him her hand and within ten minutes they were married too.

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