Chapter 43-Japan

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Tzuyu's POV

As the plane landed at the beautiful place of Japan a wide smile crept on my face.

These past few days,Jungkook didn't disturb me.

I sighed and looked at Lisa who is already smiling widely like a clown.

"This is my first time here!"She said and smiled.

I just chuckled..

We went to my house.

"This is your house?"She asked me as we went inside.

"Yes!"I said and smiled..

"Well,you never bothered to tell me!"She said and pouted..

I just smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Let's buy some groceries!" I said and she nodded.

We went to the nearest grocery store and bought the things that we need most..

It's already 5pm so we decided to eat dinner..

While we were eating I heard a familiar voice..


I slowly looked up and.

My heart broke into small pieces,when I saw Jun oppa, I was expecting someone..

I smiled at him "What are you doing here?"I asked him..

"I came here to meet Jungkook!"

"He's here?"I asked and he nodded..

"Jungkook is here, didn't he told you?we came here to visit our friend!"Jun said, I just looked away and I felt like my whole world crash when my eyes landed on this two person..

Sana eonnie and Jungkook oppa..

And then my lips parted when our eyes met..jungkook.

I faked a smile and looked at Jun..

"Excuse me!"I said,stood up, and went to the restroom..

This is really weird..

I sighed as soon as I went inside the ladies restroom..

I tightly closed my eyes and massaged my temples..

Freaking great..Really.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at myself in the mirror..

I thought that Jungkook feels something for me too, but then he married my cousin and it breaks my heart that my cousin is also my closest firend..

I went back outside and sat on my chair and I saw Jungkookoppa, Sana eonnie, and Jun oppa just beside our table..

"So,how is your vacation?"I heard their converstaion..

"Great!"Sana eonnie answered.. and I can't help but too grab my water harshly and drink it...

"How about you Jungkook?"Jun oppa asked

"Good, because after almost a year of waiting I went back to Seoul,but it just makes me sad that the person who I came back for don't really care about me!"Jungkook said and there my eyes landed at his perfect face..

"And may I know who is this person that you came back for?"Jun asked again..


Our eyes met and I can see sadness in his eyes..

I quickly grabbed my bag and left a money in the table and pulled Lisa out of the restaurant and quickly went home..

I quickly went to my room and locked myself..

I laid on my bed and there the tears fell down..

The tears exploded like I've been holding thos tears up for almost a year..

They were rolling and rolling... and rolling.

Why?Why did this happen? Why did he agree to marry my cousin? Why did he left without even saying goodbye? Why did he left when I was already falling for him?

I think he doesn't feel something for me..

And by that..I felt like the butterflies in my stomach that only exist when I see him, all of it died..

I have a hopeless feeling on someone I have no chance with.. and it kills me..


It's midnight and I'm lying here, crying about nothing, but at the same time, it'severything.

Nothing is wrong, but nothing is right, either.

When I cry about one thing, I end up crying about everything that's wrong..

It freaking hurts..

I want a person to stay by my side, not a person who will leave me hanging in the air..

That's why I don't want any man to enter my life..

Then,suddenly I heard my phone rang..I picked it up and answered the call without looking at the Caller I.D

"Tzuyu?Where are you?"

I heard his voice..Taehyung oppa..

I don't know why but, maybe what I feel for him is just attraction and not love..

And I don't believe that he loves me, because I know that he is just using me so that he can move on..

I snapped into my thoughts when I heard him calling my name..

"Tzuyu?Are you ok?"He asked..

"Yes!"I tried my best so that I wouldn't sound like a horse..

"Where are you?"I didn't tell him about our vacation..

"Japan,I'm sorry!"I said and wiped my tears..

"Japan?Why are you there?"He said..

"V-vacation!"I said..

"That's bullshit Tzuyu,why didn't tell me?"He asked..

"I'm s-sorry!"

"Wait, are you crying?"He asked but I stilled.. "Sorry,I didn't mean to shout at you,it's just that I'm worried sick,I was looking for you!"He said and there I ended the call..

I don't want to talk to anyone..

I just want to take a rest..

And there..I cried myself to sleep.

Sorry for not updating these past few days..Or weeks?Whatever.

But, thank you for supporting my story..

And thank you for those silent readers also,I appreciated the reads..


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