The rise of a new god

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In the beginning, there were 2 gods, one of the light and one of the dark, the one of the dark was ment for destruction and the creation of grimm, the god of light, ment for balance and peace, along with creation. In there battle the god of the light failed and was cursed to forever be reincarnated till the god of darkness was destroyed by the light. The godess of darkness was weakned and banished to her own dimension. In the days of the cursed god, he had stummbled upon three young and talented hunters in training. The first was named Qrow Brawen, the next was named Raven Brawen, and the last was named Jay Savitar. The man gave 2 of them the power to turn into birds to help in his mission to destroy the datk godess, as for jay he recived something he could only give one person, he made him a god, the god of speed. The man explained that they would be needed in order to stop her, but could take years to accomplish and in the end they all agreed to help.
Years later after the graduation of beacon raven and qrows other teammates, summer and taiyang were with them. Taiyang started to date raven and jay dated summer, after that raven married taiyang and so did summer and jay, but one day jay died on a mission from the man, his death was from the godess of darkness, never to return. But before he left his wife something, a child the would be named Max Rose. She gave birth and after taiyang was left with his and ravens child which they named Yang Xiaolong, he then married summer and had another child named Ruby Rose, the child of jay was then shunned by his step father, because he was not his own. Soon his daughter had started to do the same, even his own half sister did, but not his mother, she loved him with all his heart, but then she went on a mission and never came back. Now the son of a god and summer rose was alone.

Pov. Max (10 years old)

Ever since mom died its never been the same, they barley treat me with respect, they don't love me and most of all my own sister hurt me, literally.  I missed my mother and my father, i never knew him but my mom told me that both of them use speed as their abilities, and as i thought i had a speed semblance too, but mine allowed me to do many things, such as fast healing, throwing lightning, vibrating through walls and being faster than the speed of sound. But since then i didn't reveal my abilities to them, and i thought that i was not enough.

(Max) why don't they love me, all i ever wanted was love, and this is all they do, beat me and ignore my please of help.

I thought that things could not get any worse untillmy 12 year old sister yang and 9 year old sister ruby came in.

(Yang) hey, look what dad brought us?

(Max) what did you get?

I then saw yang had a pair of gautlets and ruby a toy scythe.

(Ruby) yeah they are awesome, we even got something for you.

(Max) really what did you-

I didn't finish my sentence since ruby stepped on my foot then yang had punched me in the face and started to beat me to a bloddy pulp, i then decided to use a bit of my abilities and vibrated my hand and gave yang a small cut.

(Yang) ow.. DAD HE HURT ME!

I then nknew what he was going to do to me as he walked into the room.

(Taiyang) What did you do you little shit!!

He then came up to me and started to beat me till i was on the floor motionless.

(Taiyang) now stay there and think about what you have done!

They then walked out of my room while ruby and yang were giggling and laughing at me.

(Max) i... did..... nothing...... wrong......

I then passed out from the pain and about 2 hours later i woke up again but with most of myself healed.

(Max) i did nothing wrong and im the one who gets hurt, why has fate been cruel to me, iv'e done nothing wrong. Maybe its time i leave, then maybe just maybe i can finally be happy.

I then packed my things and wrote a note saying why i left and that why i am never coming back nor ever going to forgive them.

(Max) well this is goodbye, may our paths never cross again.

And with that, i ran out of the house in a streak of red lightning without them even noticing.

Pov. Ruby

We had just finished dinner and we had a massive amount of dishes that need to be cleaned.

(Taiyang) hey ruby sweetie, can you get your brother, i think it is time to get him to do the chores.

(Ruby) ok daddy.

I then ran up to his room in record speed thanks to my mothers semblance.

(Ruby) hey max get your lazy but downstairs, dad needs you to do the chores.

I got no response and told him again.

(Ruby) are you deaf, i said get your butt out here and do the chores!

I then decided to get yang to open the door and when we got in there we were shocked to see that he was gone.

(Yang) huh.. where did the loser go?

(Ruby) i..i don't know.

We looked all over his room and saw no trace of him, untill yang found something.

(Yang) hey ruby, i think i found something.

(Ruby) what is it yang?

(Yang) looks like a note, from max.

(Ruby) well what does it say?

As she read her face looked more and more saddened till...


(Ruby) yang whats wrong?

She then handed me the note and i started to cry.


The our dad came in and saw us crying.

(Taiyang) huh... what did that little shit do to you 2?

(Yang) no dad its not what he did to us, its what we did to him.

She then handed the note to our dad and he read this and looked saddened.

(Taiyang) god no, what have i done?

We then were hugged by eachother and crying wishing we had max back.

(Ruby) please big brother, we're sorry, just please forgive us.

To be continued...

The Wrath Of A Speed God (male OC x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now