The speed gods revenge

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Pov. Max

We had finally made it back from the speedforce and ruby looked a little better after seeing mom again.

(Max) hey ruby, you alright?

(Ruby) yeah, yeah im great actually, i missed her so much since that night and now that i know she is not dead, i feel even better than before.

(Max) well thats good to know, so how about we go get some f-

I never finished that sentence because of what i saw right in front of us, it was one of my living nightmares for all thoes years, it was tai.

(Tai) max is that really you?

Pov. Ozpin

We were running down the halls and out the door to where we saw they 2 and right now tai and max were locked eye to eye and i knew that this would be trouble.

(Ozpin) TAI!!!

he then looked at me and saw that i was furious.

(Ozpin) taiyang you better have a good explanation as to why you are trying to get near him.

(Tai) o..ozpin, look all i want to do is apologise and put things behind us, can i not do that?

I looked at him and saw that he was actually broken because of this event in their lives and i made a decison.

(Ozpin) *sigh* fine, but if you touch him i will be forced to ban you from beacon completely, got it?

(Tai) t..thank you oz.

He then ran towards max and ruby i knew that things were only going to end badly.

Pov. Max

(Tai) Max is it really you?

I looked at him in complete disgust and i wanted to hurt him so badly, but then i looked at riby and i knew i had to be in a clear state of mind right now.

(Max) what do you want tai?

(Tai) i came here to apologise to you and to tell you that i truley am sorry.

(Max) well tough luck but no dice, im not forgiving a jackass like you.

I looked at him after saying that and i knew that he was already about to burst.

(Tai) hey im your father here, so give me the respect i deserve.

(Max) hey here something you should know, first off your not my father you lost that right long ago, and second i know that my father is alive and well.

(Tai) wh..what, he's alive?

(Max) of course he is, he is a speed god after all. But do you wanna hear the best part about all of this?

(Tai) w..wha-

(Max) its not just my dad thats alive, but also ruby and my mom, summer is alive.

(Tai) She is!

(Max) but here is the best part, she said that she wonder why she would marry an abusive shit like y-

Right before i finished my sentence, tai punched me right in the face, knocking me about 10 feet away from him with all his fury.

(Tai) How dare you talk to me like that you little shit! I am way better than you and you know it!

He then looked right into my eyes and his rage was soon replaced by fear. The next thing he saw was me getting right back up on my feet while i just stare him down.

(Max) well tai...

I then ran at him with full speed and stopped right in front of him, and all he saw was a flash of lightning.

The Wrath Of A Speed God (male OC x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now