Who Is The Girl Behind The Wheel?

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"Why did we leave the car meet?" Katie asked me while I was driving. "Because I showed off too much unlike I should of. I got too cocky for a bit there. But I wanted to race badly." "Oh okay. But you did good though even though I don't watch street races. I wonder if Danny and Jackson will recognize us at school?" Katie said. "I don't know, I like Jackson he seems chill and Danny is okay but I swear if he tries anything, I am hitting him. But they are both funny." Katie laughed after I said that. "But Danny is cute though." I rolled my eyes. "Don't fall for that charm of his. Even if he has a charm anyway." I giggled at what I said.

We got back to my house at a decent time and I put my car back into the garage. We went up to my room and we both went to sleep. She slept in my recliner chair and I slept in my bed.

(Monday Morning)

My mom needed her car today so I couldn't take her car to school today. I texted Katie and told her I could pick her up from her house if she wanted me too.

*Text Messages*
Aubrey: Hey do you want me to pick you up?
Katie: Hell yeah, thank god though I missed my bus lol
Aubrey: How did you miss your bus? Okay I will come get you haha
Katie: Because it takes awhile for me to look hot asl that's why bitch duh
Aubrey: lol smh okay I'm on my way now haha

I got into my car and drove to her house to pick her up. "Hey girl! I see you are taking your car to school." Katie said getting into my car. "Yeah I have to since my mom needs her car today." I rolled my eyes. "Oh relax we will get into the school for anyone to notice this is your car." I signed after what she said. "Okay." Then I drove away from her house to school. We got to school and I decided to park far away so people wouldn't notice my car. I did have a few looks at my car coming into school by people but they didn't see me park in the very back. Plus it's good I have tinted windows so they don't see me at all. We got out of my car after I parked. Then Katie and I started walking towards the school but we both then see those three nice ass cars coming into the parking lot. We stopped in our tracks watching them park. It was Jackson's and Danny's car and plus the blacked out Dodge Charger. They decided to park right next to my car in the back since Jackson parked first next to my car. It went, Danny, Jackson, on my left and then the blacked out Charger on the right of my car. I smacked myself in the face. "Why did they park near me?" I said. Then I saw Jayden get out of his blacked out Charger. So that's his car? Weird I loved his car the most from the trio. I don't know I just love blacked out cars myself. I see Jackson looking at my car from the front after getting out of his car. Jayden came up to him and I saw them talking. "Maybe cause they want to see the girl that drives behind that wheel." Katie said wiggling her eyebrows. I gave her a death stare, "Nope I am lowkey remember." She rolled her eyes. Then Jackson looked around then spotted Katie and me. "Shit let's go." I grabbed Katie's wrist and fasted walked to the school dragging her along.

After awhile of school, I was in my last class of the day. I was thinking, how am I going to leave school without those guys noticing that I own that car. Maybe if I get out before they do I can leave without letting them see me. But then I remember, today I have soccer so I have to stay after school, I sighed in frustration.

*bell rang*

It was the end of school, I caught up with Katie for us to go to soccer practice. "I can't wait for you to be captain ReyRey." She calls me ReyRey since we are best friend's. I don't mind it though at all. "I can't wait for them to notice that's my car though." I rolled my eyes in a sarcastic tone. "Oh shut up, I doubt they will notice. I bet they will leave now cause I doubt they stay after school." She was probably right about that. I didn't know if they stayed after school or not.

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