Street Race & Party

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The car meet was coming up this Friday, I told Katie about what happened. "Why did you say yes? What if you lose and he makes you do something stupid." She said worried. "I ain't worried. I know he owns a Dodge Charger but it should be all good. It doesn't matter how fast the car is. It's how the person drives the car." I said calmly to her.


I took Friday off from school to work on my car for the meet tonight. I wanted to make sure everything was okay for the race. Then I decided to wash my car as well. I wanted make her nice and shiny for the car meet. After awhile I tested my car to see how she sounds and how her speed is on my street.

(Later That Night)

Time for the race, the meet was at the abandonment mall like before we both warmed up our tires for the races. Then we lined up our cars and waited for the guy with the flashlight to tell us to go. Once the flash goes off we both book it. We were neck and neck to the finish. Turns out we both tied each other actually. We both parked our cars. He gets out and leans on the car. I get out of my car and Katie walked to me. "You guys tied?!" I smiled and said, "Atleast he didn't beat me." I shrugged my shoulders. Then Jackson and Danny walked up to us. "Damn no one has ever came that close to Jayden but for Liam Anderson once in a race." My eyes almost popped out of my skull from hearing that name. "Did you say Liam Anderson?" I said nervously a bit. "Yeah Jayden and Liam never get along with each other. They raced one time and they both tied. But no one can ever beat Jayden racing but he was the closet one."


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I look at Jayden kissing a girl while leaning against his car. At least Katie was right that he could be a player after all. The guys walked away from Katie and I. "Yo are you okay?" Katie asked me. "Liam was my ex boyfriend..." I blurted out loud to her. "...I would say I used to be his good luck charm at car meets whenever he raced. But he used me, I don't want to get into it. I ended things between us. But now I know he probably could be here right now." Just when I thought things couldn't get worse. "Talking about me Coleman?" I literally froze in my spot by that voice, I knew that voice instantly. I look to my right side looking away from Katie leaning on my car. In front of me was Liam himself. "Can't stay away from these car meets can you? I knew that was you that raced Jayden. Guess I taught you well." He smirked at me. I wish I could rub that smirk off his face completely. "Nice car by the way. Did your mom get it for you? Or did your cheating father get you it?" I was getting furious. He knew how to push my buttons instantly. He was a guy that I met while I was playing against his high school's girl basketball team with my old school's team. I told him everything that I was going threw my life. He was like the old friend I had that wasn't from my school. I told him I figured my father was cheating on my mom. Then when it came up that my father was cheating on my mom. I told him cause I thought I trusted him. We cared about each other and dated. But later on he didn't seem to care about me. I broke up with him after I left my old school. I thought I would be done seeing him but I guess not. I never told anyone about him cause like I said I had no friends really but for him. Until I told Katie a second ago about him cause she has been a great friend to me. I just thought he was different but he wasn't. He was the worse kind of person ever.

"Shut the fuck up! You don't know shit." I yelled at him. I saw in the corner of my eye Jayden was watching me since I yelled and I guess when I yelled it got his attention. "Oh still a touchy subject for you? And I do know, cause you did tell me after all cause I was your boyfriend." I clenched my fist. I wanted to wipe that smirk so badly away. "You know I broke up with you for a couple of reasons." I poked at his chest cause I was getting mad at him. "Woah tiger, save that feistiness for bed." He winked at me and then I rolled my eyes. "Yeah like I would ever sleep with you." "I mean I don't know, but your friend might." He looked at Katie. "Stay the fuck away from her dickhead. She has nothing to do with this right now." "Oh cute you were always that tough girl. But you know I scare you." I completely froze and my expression went scared. I felt numb and cold when he said that. He was the only person who scares me honestly. Usually no one scares me but he had that effect on me. He came closer to me and lifted up my chin to make me look up into his brown eyes. Then he held hard onto my wrists so I couldn't leave his presents. "Don't push me Bre." He said with no emotion. Then all of a sudden someone breaks us up. "Leave her alone. She looks like she wants nothing to do with you anymore. So I suggest you walk away." Jayden said in a venom tone. He looked at Jayden furiously. Then we watched Liam walk away from us. "Thanks Jayden, you didn't have too really." He looked at me with a emotionless expression like always does and then walked away. "No problem Aubrey." I say under my breath still shocked on what happened. "I think he likes you." Katie said to me after Jayden walked away. "Yeah okay sure." I said sarcastically. "No really, he stopped messing with that girl to save you. He might not seem the best at showing emotions but I feel like he does. Cause if he didn't care, he would of stayed with her." I shook my head at her cause I didn't believe her one bit.

(The Next Day, Saturday)

Katie was over my house, and we decided to chill today. But then we randomly got a message saying there was a mad party tonight at someone's house. I guess the whole school got the invite to the party. So we decided to go to the party. But we looked at each other like, who's driving when we leave. Cause we both wanted to like drink and get fucked up. "Uber?" We both say at the same time and we laughed. It's like we knew what we're thinking, why I love our friendship.

We got ready for the party since it started at 9, girl's got in for free at 9 but you had to pay when it was 10. So we had to get there before 10 cause we are cheap mofos. We got dressed and I let Katie borrow some of my clothes.

(Katie's Outfit)

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(Katie's Outfit)

(Aubrey's Outfit)

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(Aubrey's Outfit)

My outfit was more kind of casual and Katie's outfit was more kinda edgy. But it really did fit her well. I just didn't want to go all out and wear something revealing much. Plus people will spill alcohol so I am not wearing high heels to a party, but that's me. After we did our makeup and were ready to go. We got a Uber to go to the party. Once we got there we could hear the music from outside that's how loud it was. The house didn't have much neighbors but their neighbors were little further away from each other. We knocked on the door and the guy let us in. Mainly it looked like the whole school was here at the party. Katie and I drank some beers together and took some shots. We were getting totally fucked up.

(A/N) Please let me know what you guys think of my story. Or think I should change something in it. I appreciate the feedback if you would like to leave any. Is something going to happen at the party?

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