Frustation Into A Steamy Situation

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(Explicit Language in this part)

Today was Friday, I was practicing soccer by myself in the school field making goals and working on my foot work. After practice was over I just didn't feel like going home at all. Katie didn't show up to practice which was good cause I was kinda ignoring her a bit. I just been frustrated and annoyed lately since the whole Jayden and Nikki situation. I haven't really talked to the bad boy trio either. But mainly kind Jackson I talk to a bit. Katie does text me but I do like one word answers that's kinda it. I just wanted to be alone for a bit to have my head not deal with anymore drama and shit from everyone. Ugh I should of never moved here with my mom. I kicked the ball in frustration into the net hearing the swoosh of the ball rub against the net. "Why did my dad have to cheat on my mom with some damn whore." I kicked another ball to the net and it hit the metal bar bouncing off. "Ugh why did Liam have to be such a dick and abusive." I kicked another ball hitting the metal bar again. "Why I can't trust someone without getting hurt?" I kicked another ball missing again. "Ugh why can't I fucking make a goal!? You know what fuck this shit!" I kicked a ball furiously in a random direction. "Yo watch it!" I heard a male voice come from a distance. I looked to see where that voice came from. Of course it was Jayden. "I was aiming for your head." I said. "Well your aiming sucks sunshine." "What do you want Jayden?" I said in a mean tone. Why was he here anyway? "The boys and Katie have been wanting to know what's been going on with you lately. You haven't talked to any of us like you used too. Where's that sassy girl I know." I roll my eyes at him. "I just been wanting to vibe by myself for a bit now." "You don't seem like you are so called 'vibing'..." He used his fingers and put air quotes when he said vibing. " seem frustrated and full of anger. Here you know what I'll be the goalie and you kick the soccer balls at me." I watched him take off his hoodie and get into position in the goal. I walk to kick a few balls near me to kick in the goal. I get myself ready to kick the ball in the goal. I look at him, looking into those blue eyes of his. Those bright blues eyes... I look at my feet moving the ball side to side to confused him. Then I kick the ball to the right side of the net making into it. "Nice again." I move another ball in front of me. I look into those same blue eyes again. I thought this guy is here for me. Once I stopped talking to him now he wants to talk to me. I kicked the ball to the left making it again.

Then a flashback came into my head, Nikki kissing him. I moved another ball in front of me kicking it automatically right in the middle of the net where he was standing. He caught the ball so easily. "Now that was aimed at me." He gave me a smirk since I did that. But that smirked pissed me off even more. I had another ball lined up so I kicked it quick, kicking it straight at him again. "Ooof." The ball hit him in the stomach hard. "Damn you know how to kick a soccer ball." I smirked after seeing him hold his stomach. "I mean you deserved it." I giggled. "Atleast you giggled." He tossed me two balls back to kick that were close to him. I rolled my eyes back at him after he said that. "Now don't aim at me now." He said. I kicked it trying to aim at him. "I said don't aim at me!" I laughed at his reaction cause the ball almost hit him again. "You know that's enough for today. I am done being a goal dumby." He grabbed his hoodie on the ground and walked towards me. "Atleast you laughed now. Are you going to tell me what's wrong though?" He asked in concern. It took me a second to respond, "Uh I don't know. It's nothing that serious." "For you to kick those balls straight at me like that. It must be serious cause you seemed really mad earlier. Come on talk, I ain't leaving until you do." He crosses his arms looking straight into my eyes. "I saw you and Nikki together awhile ago. I took it to heart." He then shook his head at me and snickered. "I don't like her, she keeps trying to get to me." "Then why did you let her kiss you?" He was quite for a bit. "She kissed me but I did nothing else. That kiss was harmless. She tried to get to me when she pulled me into the janitor's closet but I wouldn't allow it. I am done with that bitch." I thought I don't know if I could believe him. "I know she kissed me but like I said you should trust me I don't like her and I want nothing to do with her at all. You even saw my expression when you saw me in the hallway with her." I did actually he wasn't wrong, he looked annoyed with her. "Why were you with Jackson though?" He asked me. "He tried to comfort me since I was upset after seeing you with Nikki. He was just being a friend." He looked down. "Atleast he was there since I hurt you..." He spoke in a soft quite voice. "...after I said I wouldn't hurt you." He was quite for a bit till I broke the silence "I need to put the soccer balls away and go to the locker room." I started grabbing the soccer balls and putting them in the net bag while he was standing. I had the soccer balls in the bag and I was heading to the locker room. "Do you need help?" He said. "I'm fine." He took the bag anyway.

I opened the locker room and told him where to set the bag. "You shouldn't be in here anyway cause it's the girl's locker room." He snickered. "I don't care." "We'll get out, I have to get changed." He just stood there. "Come on I changed in front of you before it would be fair." I rolled my eyes. "Just look away Jayden." He turned around and waited for me to change my clothes. "So why are you waiting for me anyway?" I said while changing my clothes. "Because I want to still talk to you. I don't want you to be distant from the group because of me. I am sure Jackson told you that already." "He did, because you guys like me." He was quite again. "..we do." He said in a soft voice. I wonder why he is being so weird. I wonder what is going threw his mind. I was about to put my shirt on when he turned around looking at me. "Jayden seriously?" I said surprised. "I like you." He stepped closer to me. "Jayden I am shirtless right now." "I don't care, it's not the first time I saw you in a bra." He looked in my eyes and leaned in kissing me passionately. He put his hands around my waist pulling me closer. I didn't break the kiss, even though I was skeptical of him, since the situation between him and Nikki. But I did miss him kissing me honestly. So I enjoyed this moment right now. He pushed me against the locker having both of his arms on both sides of me capturing me. I had my arms around his neck enjoying us making out. We both pulled away breathing heavy cause we needed to catch our breath. We looked into each other's eyes. "I'm sorry I hurt you Aubrey." He said softly. Like before I know when he is serious cause he saids my name. I ended up kissing him after he said that. He end up making out again. I then felt one of his hands on my waist leading downwards to my butt. I think things were getting out of hand now. I stopped the kissing and said, "Slow down there Jay." I then put my shirt on and grabbed my stuff. "Aw sunshine why do you got to ruin a good moment." He smirked. "Because I know not ready for that and I need to get home." We left the locker room and head to our cars. "Are you better now sunshine?" He asked when we were walking. "Yeah I guess so." "Why are you questioning it? Look like I say all the time you can trust me. I do make mistakes as a person cause that's how I am but I am honest." "Okay." That's all I could say to that. "I'll talk to you later sunshine." He got into his car and drove away while I got into mine.

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter. I know things were getting steamy in this chapter. Do you think they are going to last? Will they actually date maybe? Or is Jayden just using her? Continue to find out!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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