Woke Up In The Bad Boy's Room

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(There will be explicit language in this part)

"Close your mouth when you eat your food." Katie said in disgust and Danny rolled his eyes. "Okay Mom." He said with his mouth full.

I felt sobered up a bit now since I had some food in my system. But I felt some things were a blur to me honestly. "I guess we should take the girls home." Jackson said to the boys. We got up from the booth and walked to Jayden's and Jackson's car. "Jackson I'll take Aubrey home, you can take Katie and Danny." Jayden said. "Okay bro." They dabbed each other up and we got into their cars. "Wait you don't know where I live?" I said looking at him sleepy. "Just tell me where to go when I am driving." He started the car and we drove away from McDonald's. "What time is it?" I asked Jayden. "2:36am." I faced palmed myself. "It doesn't feel like it at all." I started to feel dizzy and sleepy all of a sudden and everything went black again.

I open my eyes slowly, my vision was blurry but it slowly started gaining back. When my vision came back to normal, I see the back of a shirtless guy laying in bed with me. I thought to myself, 'Oh shit did I sleep with someone.' But I look at myself all of my clothes are still on. "What the fuck is going on?" I said groggy stepping out of bed. He turned over to his other side facing me. "Jayden! Why did we sleep in the same bed together?!" I yelled. "Shut up, it's too early for yelling." He said in a sleepy voice. I held my head cause I started to get a sharp pain. Great I must of drank too much, I barely remember a thing that happened at the party or how I ended here. "Fuck where is Katie?" "She is fine, Jackson took her home. Let me sleep woman." He tossed around having his back face me.

I looked around his room to find a bathroom, if he had one in his room. His room was nice and clean. Not messy at all, it looked to fancy in here too. Lucky I saw a door that was open across the room and it was a bathroom. I walked into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. All of my makeup was smudged and messy. I searched the drawers for a cloth so I could wiped all of my makeup off my face. "What are you doing in my bathroom?" Jayden said in a sleepy voice standing in the doorway. "I washed off my makeup cause it was all smudged, sorry but you wanted to sleep some more when I had tons of questions to ask you." "Listen shut up, I saved your ass yesterday. I don't want to here no bitching now. I brought you here cause you passed out in my car so I didn't know where you lived so I couldn't take you home. So taking you here was my next option." I felt dumb I drank so much. I guess I was lucky I ran into him and he took care of me. "Wait did we do anything?" "No we didn't fuck. You aren't my type anyway. I was just being nice, I guess. Don't expect this to happen again though." "Fair enough and thank you." "Yeah whatever. Can I take a shower now? It is my bathroom." I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the bathroom having the door shut behind me.

*phone rings*
"Aubrey where are you? I thought you girls were sleeping over here? It's 9 in the morning." I had a sharp pain in my head again. "I slept over her house last night mom. I am fine, I am sorry I didn't text you. I will be home soon. I will get dropped off." "Okay honey, see you when you get home." I hung up the phone rubbing my head and sat on his bed.

*phone ding*
(Text Messages)
Katie: Are you up girl?
Aubrey: Yeah, I slept over Jayden's House.
Aubrey: Yeah what happened last night? We didn't do anything though Kate.
Katie: Jackson took me and Danny home. I thought Jayden was taking you home.
Aubrey: He said I fell asleep in his car so he took me to his place.
Katie: He never let's a girl stay at his place
Aubrey: I doubt it
Katie: He is a bad boy for a reason and girls adore him Aubrey. But he never let any girl stay over his house before seriously. Like I said before he likes you, bet.
Aubrey: Yeah Okay
Katie: We will talk later girl
Aubrey: Okay

I heard the bathroom door open. I saw Jayden walk out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. He was dripping wet from taking a shower. His abs were so defined and muscular. I can see why girls adore him truthfully. He was a hot ass guy but he was somewhat of a jerk. "You need something?" He broke my thoughts. "Uh what?" He gave me that no emotion face and crossed his arms. "Stop drooling over there sunshine." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah okay, you aren't my type either." He walked to his dresser picking out clothes to put on. "Oh that's right Liam is your type. I mean he is your ex." He said with his back turn to me. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" I stood up from the bed so quick. "You said so yourself, I mean you kissed him at the party." He turned his head and looked at me for a second to say that. I walked up to his back pushing him into his dresser. "What do you mean?! I would never kiss that fucking dumbass." He turned around standing over me. He was way taller than me but I didn't care I was beyond mad now. "You ain't no tough girl. You don't want to go up against me sunshine. You were wasted as hell at the party until I saved you. I should get a thank you from you. He was trying to take advantage of you cause you were so wasted." He looked at me straight in my eyes waiting for a reaction. I stayed quite cause I didn't know if he was right or anything cause I didn't remember a thing at all. Then he came to my ear and whispered softly, "See now you are quite." It gave me shivers down my spine. The he moved away from my ear and then said, "You know what you don't need to say thank you for me saving you. I didn't save your ass from him because I was being nice. I only did it cause I don't like the jackass." He turned back around facing the dresser. Grabbed his clothes walking to the bathroom to change. He left me standing there dumb founded. He was a jerk but I was actually being a bitch to him though. He didn't even have to save me from my ex boyfriend, but he did. I could of woke up with Liam in bed probably instead of Jayden.

Jayden walks out of the bathroom wearing black joggers and plain white t-shirt. "I'm sorry Jayden, I should know better. Thank you for saving me." I looked down upset. He walked to me with no emotion. I closed my eyes waiting for a reaction cause I don't know if he was mad or that he felt bad. He had no emotion on his face, he had a good poker face all the time. "Whatever." I open my eyes and he looked at me in the eyes before walking to his closest to get a pair of shoes.

"Alright let's get your dumb ass home." Jayden said walking down the stairs with me following behind him. "Jay Bear?!" A little girl's voice said when we got down the stairs. He stopped walking towards the front door. I looked around the entrance way, his house was huge. Then I faced Jayden looking in the direction where the voice came from. A little girl walks up to Jayden. She had Jayden's hair and eyes, she was so cute and pretty. "Where are you going? Can you stay and eat breakfast with me and mommy." He got down to her level on his knees. "I have to go out for a second Lily. I will be right back." "Who's that?!" She pointed to me. "She is pretty Jay. Is she your girlfriend, you never being any girl's over here at all. She can be my playmate." She smiled at Jayden. "She isn't my girlfriend Lily. But I don't know that's not up to me but I bet she is busy with things of her own." She made a sad face at Jayden. "Lily come here!" I heard another voice but it sounded like a women's voice. "Who is this Jayden? Hi I'm Jayden's Mom, you can call me Tracey." "Hi Tracey, my name is Aubrey." His mom spoked walked into the entrance way of the house where the three of us were. " I have to go Mom, I'll be right back." He grabs my wrist and we both walk out of the front door. His rushed me to his car and we drove away from his house. "Look you do not speak what just happened to anyone got it?" He said to me in a serious tone. "Okay Jay Bear." I smirked at him. I saw him roll his eyes at me while driving. "I should of never saved your ass." He said.

I gave him directions to where my house is. He pulled up to my house in his car. "Thanks Jayden." I look at him getting out of the car. "Yeah whatever sunshine." I then closed the door and he drove away. I walked into my house seeing my mom read the newspaper at the table. "Good you are finally home now." "Can I take a shower first mom." "Okay go ahead but then you are coming back down stairs and we are having a talk." "Fine." That's all I could say to her. I walk upstairs and head into the bathroom to take a hot shower to freshen myself up. 

I came back stairs after I freshened up and was just wearing some baggy sweat pants and a T-shirt. "So what's up mom?" I asked. "Sit down at the table okay?" I thought to myself, okay it's something serious. "I am debating on forgiving your father?" "WHAT?!" My eyes almost popped out of my head.

A/N: Sorry for it being short chapter. I might add more to it later on whenever I get the chance too. But the story is just getting good just wait.

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