Part 9

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Part 9

After a 6 hour flight stuck in the middle seat I have finally landed in Seattle.  I am waiting for my bags to come around to me on the baggage turnstile.  I have to meet Harry at his hotel.  It would be suicide for him to pick me up at the airport.

For some reason I am so nervous.  It’s the first time we have made actual plans to spend a significant amount of time together.  I text him to let him know I am on my way.  Since I’ve never been to Seattle I have no idea how far away from the hotel I am.  I finally arrive at the hotel and the cab driver helps me bring my bags to the front desk and I pay him.

I check in at the front desk and head up to my room.  Of course Harry tried to talk me into staying with him but I am just not sure where I want this to go yet.  I walk to where the elevator is and remember how this all started and decide to take the stairs instead.  I text Harry to let him know I would drop my things off at my room and meet him at his.

In the stairwell I hear girls whispering, “I think they’re on the 5th floor.” They’re talking about my boys.  Good thing they’re not on the 5th floor.

I drop my bags at my room and head back to the stairs.  I haven’t gotten on an elevator since we got stuck.  I don’t know why, it wasn’t a bad experience at all.  When I get back to the stairwell the number of girls gave seemed to have doubled.  “They’re on 7, I heard they’re on 7.” They’re getting closer.  I quietly slip passed them on my way to the 8th floor.

When I get into the hallway I check behind me up make sure nobody has followed me.  It’s clear.  I jog down the hallway to Harry and Louis’s room before they catch on.  I knock on the door and Louis lets me in and hugs me hello.

“The fans are trying to figure out what floor you’re on.  It’s a little scary.” I grab a bottle of water since I am a little out of breath from running up the stairs.

“Harry should be out soon.  He’s been doing his hair for an hour,” Louis says as he plops down on his bed.  

I look over at the other bed in the room and sit down on the end of it.  I feel a bit awkward not knowing what to say or do.  Finally Harry comes out of the bathroom.  He smiles wide as soon as he sees me and I return the smile.  I genuinely feel happy to see him.  I can tell some kind of perverted thoughts have popped into his mind from the way he is looking at me as he walks over.  He gives me a huge hug and a sweet kiss.  “Thank you for coming.  It’s good to see you again.” I just hug him tight and don’t want to let go.

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