ch.1 (picture of Ruby on the side)

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Hellooooooo! Thank you guys for those few reads it makes me feel gappy that within in seconds of posting this i got reads. I am also doing this first chapter on my computor so it is hopfully better for you guys! I have also put a picture of how i imagine Ruby, played by Taissa Farmiga, to be in this story. I am trying to  update about twice a week or whenever i can, but when school starts up agian i will probobly be posting only once a week. now for the first chapter of my origional story 417! :)

Ruby's POV

    Waking up on Monday mornings to go to highschool is not my problem in life unlike the everage teenager. My problem is having to wake up every single morning at 5:30 am just so my mother can abuse me and my little sister.

         After my beatings this morning I went up to my room and picked out a first day of school outfit. i chose to wear my denim shorts with little white studs on the back pockets with my plain pink hoodie just to make sure that no one sees my cut up wrists. Before I walk to school, yes walk my mother doesnt give me a car because she thinks that it is a waste of money, i eat a bowl of Lucky Charms, grab my plain white convers, and head out the door.

          The school that i got to is only about a ten minute walk so i get there always earlier than a regular person would. About five minutes later my best friends Kiki and josh arrive. Josh and Kiki are a couple so sometimes i tend to feel like the third wheel but i try not to let those thaughts get into my head, i like to stay posotive and have school be the one place where i can feel safe and happy.

          "Hi Kiki!", i slightly yell as i see her coming down the hall with Josh.

            Kiki is probobly one of the prettiest girls that i have ever seen, i have to say i am a tad bit jealous of her looks.

           Kiki has long and wavy brighht blonde hair that reaches down to her mid back. She also has pretty brown eyes. She has always wore the perfect amount of makeup and likes to go natural and nuteral like me. Kiki is also very skinny and is only 5'6.

        Josh is a tall boy who is about 6'0 and he has always worn his dark brown hair in a small quiff for as long as i can remember. He also has very pretty brown eyes that almost match the color of Kiki's. Josh also is a very strong guy with pretty big muscles.

       I, Ruby, am about 5'5 and i have plain brown eyes that everyone says are very beautiful but i definetaly do not think so. I also have dirty blond hair that is wavy that comes about mid back. I definetaly think of myself as a person with many flaws when it comes to appereiance. I have eyebrows that are to small, my eyes are very small also, my nose is too long, and my neck is very wide. I have never really liked my smile eaither.

 There you go! the first chapter in my first book. All i besically wanted to do was kind of explain what the main charectors look like in this story. I will hopfully find a good person to play Zoey so if you have any ideas on who you think should be Zoey please commetn it bellow! Hope you enjoyed it! i will try to make the chapters longer because i knw this was pretty short.

<3 Hannah

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