You Really Put the 'Hell' in 'Hello'

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"blah blah"- Speaking Greek

"blah blah"- Speaking Amestrian

'blah blah'- Thinking

*<*<*>*>* - Begin/end flashback

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or Percy Jackson. Good thing too, or they wouldn't be nearly as good as they are now. They belong to J.K. Rowling, Hiromu Arakawa, and Rick Riordan.


The first thing that Edward realized when he woke up was that he was in a bed, which he found odd considering the last thing he remembered was being on a train. Then his memories came back to him. He remembered the black cloaked figure, the terrifying coldness that came with it, and seeing – he shut his eyes tightly. No. He wasn't going to think about that. But even so, he shuddered as he remembered the cold despair that had gripped his heart. Opening his eyes, Ed heard footsteps drawing closer, and saw a woman rushing over to his bed.

"Oh thank goodness, you're awake," the woman said, obviously relieved. "You were starting to worry me. Here, eat this."

The woman held out what looked like...chocolate? Ed looked at it in confusion, and she impatiently shoved it in his mouth.

"Go on, eat!" She cried. "I haven't seen such a bad reaction to dementors in quite a while, and you need to get your strength back!"

After recovering from his near death-by-chocolate experience and swallowing the brown sweet, Ed found that he did feel much better; and managed to speak at last.

"What exactly happened?" He asked, his voice hoarse. "Are we at Hogwarts?"

"That's right dear," the woman said with a nod. "We're in the hospital wing."

Ed jolted up in realization. "Hospital wing?!" He cried. "I can't be here! I'm supposed to meet Dumbledore at the opening feast!" Ed jumped out of the bed and saw, to his relief, that he still had all his clothing on. He dashed towards the door, ignoring the nurse's protests. "Which way is it?" He asked, stopping at the door and whirling to face the nurse.

"Now you wait for one moment young man!" The nurse said angrily.

"I can't wait a moment!" Edward protested. "I'm already late! Look, I promise I'll come back after the feast, but can you please tell me where to go?"

She huffed at him, obviously not pleased, but pointed him in the right direction after making him swear to come straight back afterward. Ed yelled a quick thank you as he ran in the direction of the Great Hall. By the time he got there, he could hear someone, presumably Dumbledore, giving some sort of speech. Ed growled in frustration.

He really hadn't wanted to make a noticeable entrance, but now that couldn't be avoided. He glared up at the tall doors. That was just excessive. It's like they were trying to make him feel tiny and insignificant. Ed hated feeling tiny. Stupid doors. He kicked them open for good measure. The voice seemed to be saying something about new teachers; perfect timing.

The speaker was an old man in robes with a long white beard. He stopped his speech as the doors opened, turning to look at the intruder. Edward walked across the hall, ignoring the stares of the students, and mounted the platform where the speaker stood. The students were starting to whisper. He could see that the teachers, minus Lupin, seemed confused as well. Ed ignored them as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his introduction letter.

"Are you headmaster Dumbledore?" He queried. When the man nodded, he held out the letter. Dumbledore accepted the letter with a raised eyebrow. After quickly reading through it, he smiled and nodded, then turned back to the students.

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