You Really Put the 'Lid' in 'Holiday'

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A/N - Sorry this chapter took so long...I had serious writers block while I was working on it, but I managed to power through. Sorry that it's not as long or as good as other chapters. I should be back on track after this. Also, I can't write Hagrid's accent, so a friend took care of it for me.

"blah blah"- Speaking Greek

"blah blah"- Speaking Amestrian

'blah blah'- Thinking

*<*<*>*>* - Begin/end flashback

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or Percy Jackson. Good thing too, or they wouldn't be nearly as good as they are now. They belong to J.K. Rowling, Hiromu Arakawa, and Rick Riordan. Just to be safe, I also don't own the song 'This is War' by Thirty Seconds to Mars.


     Christmas morning arrived, but it was easily the most subdued Christmas that Harry had ever had at Hogwarts. He almost felt guilty about celebrating, given what had happened only one week earlier. Despite that, he couldn't help but feel excited when he opened a package to reveal a sleek, perfect, Firebolt. He was almost able to forget about Sirius Black. Of course, that changed when Professor McGonagall confiscated his wonderful new broom, on account of it being 'dangerous'.

"Don't worry Harry," Percy assured him as they headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. "If there's nothing wrong with your broom then you'll get it back."

"Better safe than sorry," Thalia quipped.

"But it's a Firebolt!" Ron protested. "And we haven't even been able to use it once!"

"Are you really going to complain about that?" Hermione broke in. "After everything that's happened, I'd think you'd understand how much danger Harry is in!"

     Her words had an instant effect. Ron quieted immediately as the friends took their seats at the breakfast table.

"Ah, I see you three have been graced with Weasley sweaters as well!" Fred and George slid into the seats across from them, nodding in approval at Percy, Thalia, and Nico's sweaters before diving into the food.

"It was really nice of your mom to make them for us," Percy said with a grin, running his hands over the soft sweater.

     He had received a dark blue sweater with a silver seashell embroidered on the front. Thalia's sweater was purple with a deer stitched on the front, and Nico's was black. Mrs. Weasley had discovered the three's interests during their stay at the Burrow and was now putting that knowledge to use. Apparently, she had decided that Nico would be happiest with solid black.

     Christmas breakfast in the Great Hall was as delicious as usual, though less boisterous than previous years. The rest of the day was spent cheerily, and Harry was pleased to note that his three American friends were smiling again. They hadn't seemed to really smile since the murders-not that Harry could say any different. But as depressing as the mood had been around the castle, those three had seemed even more downtrodden.

"What do you think's going to happen now?" Hermione asked as they sat watching the snow through the common room window. "After...what happened...what do you think it means for Hogwarts?"

"What do you mean?" Ron asked, surprised.

"Two people were killed, Ron," Hermione said quietly. "Something has to be done."

"There are dementors here, what else are they going to do?" Harry wondered.

"I'm sure the ministry could think of something," Thalia sighed.

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