You Really Put the 'Trust' in 'Distrustful'

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"blah blah"- Speaking Greek

"blah blah"- Speaking Amestrian

'blah blah'- Thinking

*<*<*>*>* - Begin/end flashback

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or Percy Jackson. Good thing too, or they wouldn't be nearly as good as they are now. They belong to J.K. Rowling, Hiromu Arakawa, and Rick Riordan. Just to be safe, I also don't own the song 'This is War' by Thirty Seconds to Mars.


"It's hard to believe that the break is almost over," Percy commented idly after Dumbledore reminded them that the Hogwarts express would be arriving later that day.

"You all did finish your homework, didn't you?" Hermione asked, her suspicious frown making it clear that she already knew the answer.

"Uhh..." Ron began, freezing with a bite of eggs halfway to his mouth. "Most of it?"

"The start of term is tomorrow!" Hermione scolded, glaring in irritation when Ron gave an exaggerated sigh. "You should have finished before now!"

"Hermione is right," Percy agreed, biting into his (blue?) toast. "You shouldn't procrastinate so much."

"Since when are you on her side?" Ron asked, sounding hurt.

"I'm not on anyone's side," Percy replied, rolling his eyes. "I just think that it would be best not to have to rush to complete all your homework the day before term starts."

"I don't have to finish all of it," Ron protested, waving his fork at Percy. "I only have to finish a Potions essay and...Alchemy homework..." He trailed off into a groan, dropping his fork. "I almost forgot about our Alchemy am I going to get all that done?"

"See, this is what I've been saying!" Hermione chastised. "If you had planned this out better, you wouldn't have to worry about it! Especially Alchemy–weren't you paying attention in class when Edward said that if you want to learn alchemy then you're going to have to be diligent?"

"Yeah," Ron whined, slumping back in his chair. "But alchemy is hard! I barely understood half of what he taught us last class!"

"It is really hard to understand, Hermione," Harry interjected. "Even you were having trouble with it."

"Well at least I'm paying attention and putting effort into it," Hermione snapped back. "How much effort have you all put into his class before you came to me for answers?" She whipped her head around to look at Nico and Thalia.

"Hey, calm down," Thalia said, lifting her chin off of her hand. "I'm sure that they're trying." She looked past Hermione at Ron, who hadn't yet gone back to his breakfast. "And Ron, if the class is too hard for you, you should just drop it. It's not going to get any easier."

"Drop it?" Hermione sounded horrified. "But why would you drop it?! Do you have any idea how useful alchemy could be later on?"

"It would be useful," Nico said, startling Harry by speaking up for the first time. The pale boy was always so quiet that sometimes Harry forgot he was even there. "But you would be able to manage without it," Nico continued. "Besides, Edward did say that plenty of people wouldn't be able to handle learning alchemy."

"Not all of us are as smart as you, Hermione," Harry reminded his friend. "I know I'm not. I might even drop the class if it gets any worse than this."

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