Chapter 11.

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Since Taehyung and I decided to start over it's been very different. Everything has been calmer and more fun and their bright sides show more to me. They've been so busy lately I've hardly seen them. I prepare their food early in the morning and go about my day so I never see them. I can hear them sometimes through the floor but I've been keeping my distance. We hang out sometimes if the timing is right but it's not as often.

The day started off boring and it seems like it will continue to be. Mochi was sitting down on the couch next to me as I watch my dramas. I grab my chips from the table and start snacking. With the boys being gone all day there's really nothing for me to do. I stare at the t.v. before hearing the elevator open up. Countless voices appear in the front hallway. "What's that?" I mutter as Mochi runs off the couch. "Oh Mochi, annyeong buddy." I hear before BTS walk in. "Wow. Is this how a day off looks for you?" Namjoon asks with a laugh. "How bleak." Hoseok mutters stepping in. "Ya!" I laugh and sit up. "We have today off too. Let's spend it together." Jimin says running and jumping on the couch. "Ya! Bad boy!" I yell before shoving him. "We were supposed to practice today but we got the day off instead because we have to go to Japan tomorrow." Jin says sitting down next to Jimin. "Ah really?" I ask. All the boys were wearing hoodies and shorts along with Yoongi and Jimin wearing face masks. "Yeah. You're coming with us right, noona?" Jungkook asks sitting down next to me. I shake my head. "No one told me anything." I say with a shrug. "You don't look at your emails? What kind of buisness are you running here!" Jin says opening up his phone. "Look here!" He says giving the phone to me. "It's called CC. That means it goes to you too!" He scolds. "You're on the plane roster and everything." Taehyung says with a laugh looking up from his phone. "Really?" I ask grabbing my phone. I open up my e-mail and there it is. Flight plan to Japan. Wah! We're going to Japan! I look up at everyone and jump up. "We're going to Japan!" I cheer loudly and they all laugh. "We're going to be there for 2 weeks." Jungkook says casually scrolling through the channels. I sit back down clapping. "You guys are doing a tour?" I ask and they nod wildly. "All through Japan. It should be fun! You'll get to see us in concert and even see Jimin cry!" Yoongi says laughing. "Hyung! I don't cry anymore. You all do!" Jimin says slapping the couch. "Ya." Yoongi says throwing a pillow. What will I pack?! I have to find my passport. I don't even have a suitcase. I jump up. "Ey! You scared me." Hoseok yells at me. "Mianhe oppa." I say and he smirks. I look at the digital clock on the tv stand. It's 2 p.m. "I have to go." I say clapping my hands together. "Why?" Taehyung asks looking concerned. "I don't have a suitcase. I need to buy one." I say rocking on my heels. "We need some things too. Let's go." Jimin says standing up. "I can't go outside with you guys!" "Noona, we are the only people you should be going out with. Who can protect you if not us?" Jungkook says standing up. "Let's go!" Jin says pulling on my hand. "Can I go in pajamas? Are you crazy? Wait a minute." I say before jogging to my dressing room. I grab blue jeans and a BAPE hoodie and quickly change. I should take off my glasses too and put on some makeup just in case so I don't look like a slob. Natural makeup.

"Byung chan hyung is waiting in the garage." Namjoon says as we step into the elevator. "What else do you have to get?" Taehyung asks stepping in next to me. He had a pierced cap on with wire frame glasses and a face mask. Him being in simple fashion with an oversided t-shirt and black jeans he looked great. "What's your first airport fashion going to look like?" Jungkook asks putting on his face mask. "A hoodie and sweats." I say shrugging. "Ey! You need a good first airport fashion." Hoseok says pushing back his hair. "No one cares about what I look like." I say confused. "Oh. That's a lie. Everyone will be wondering what the great chef Choi Yuna will be wearing on her first trip with us." Yoongi says pointing at me. "Really?" I ask nervously. "You're making her nervous. Yuna, wear whatever you want." Taehyung says before squeezing my arm. Is it that important? I bite my lip as I think about it. Should I be that nervous for people to see me. Does everyone hate me now? The elevator doors open and Byung Chan is standing by the car. "Let's go!" He says with a smile. He must be excited to go abroad too. "What will you buy hyung?" Namjoon asks opening the door. "Ladies first." Jin says waving his arm at the door. I step in and smile before sitting in the last row. Jungkook sits next to me and smiles at me. "Are you excited?" He whispers as everyone else gets in and I nod to him with a nagging feeling in my stomach. I've never been one to care what others think of me but somehow now, I'm scared to go out and being seen with them. I was never this type of person before. I look out the window before feeling a flick on my forehead and look up. "YA!" I yell clutching my forehead. Jimin stares down at me and tilts his head. Jimin so far has been my greatest friend among all the guys. He's very thoughtful and sweet. Always knowing what to say and what to do if someone is ever upset. "Noh." He says looking down at me and I look back out the window. Does he sense how I feel? How would he know? We aren't that close. "Let's get going!" Byung Chan says driving out of the parking garage.

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