Chapter 34.

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I walk next to Yuna as we walk down the dirt road. Our fingers intertwined relishing in the countryside quiet. It was so different from Seoul, so peaceful. Crickets chirp as we walk past giving us their natural, beautiful noises. As we walk down the gravel road I look over at Yuna who is staring up at the stars with a small smile playing on her lips. The moonlight reflecting off her milk white skin, basking her in its glow. I feel at my pocket and nod to myself. You can do this! This is the woman you love! More than life itself do you love this woman! 

"My grandmother used to take me here all the time when the farm work was getting to be too much for her." I whisper as we pass through my grandmother's garden. My grandfather keeps all of her plants alive,  to keep her memory alive. "They're beautiful." Yuna says as we walk through the rows of flowers. "My grandmother was the number one person in my life, apart from my mom. And, now you. She wanted me to be so successful and do whatever I wanted even when I was whining and being a brat. She loved me so deeply, only a motherly love could compare." I sit down on the familiar oak bench. Yuna sits down next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. "I used to sit here, in this exact spot with my grandmother and watch the flowers grow. I used to hold her hand just like this." I say grabbing Yuna's hand. I intertwine her fingers and kiss the back of her hand before placing her hand on my lap. "I would talk to my grandmother about anything and everything. She would always listen to me and nod, not saying anything until I was done because she genuinely wanted to hear me out. Like you do." I whisper looking over at Yuna. She smiles at me and closes her eyes. "I've never loved anything in this world more than you, apart from my family and my music. You don't understand how much you mean to me." I say squeezing her hand. She bites her lip smiling at me shyly. "Let's continue to walk." I say standing up. We walk out of the garden, our arms swinging together. 

"I used to farm this corn." I say as we walk through the growing corn stalks. Yuna smiles as I make a path for her. "This is so beautiful. I love this kind of stuff." She says merrily as she tugs on my shirt so she doesn't lose me. "My brother and I used to run around and grab the corn for my grandparents. It's a really special memory for me." I say looking back at Yuna. She smiles and nods listening to me. We walk through the corn quietly and I feel at my pocket again. I have the courage to ask her. I do, I have it. I see a form running away from the corn stalks as we reach the end. As I squint I immediately recognize the run, it's Jimin. I turn to Yuna to block her way before bending down and kissing her hoping Jimin was out of sight. 

We walk along the lazy river nearing the gazebo and I swallow before breathing through my nose. "I'm really happy you brought me into your life. I don't know what I would do without you." Yuna says wrinkling her nose. I look down at this exotic girl I've got to call mine for a year and I can feel my eyes burn. "I love you so much." I whisper grabbing her hand. "I love you too, baby."  She says grabbing a rock and throwing it into the river. It makes a loud plopping noise and I watch as the water ripples around the descending rock. The moon was high in the sky, full and beaming down on us. I could feel my heart rate pick up as we close in the gazebo. The guys weren't in sight. They must be hiding somewhere nearby. 

I step up into the gazebo and swallow as Yuna sits down on the small bench in the middle of the gazebo. I stand in front of her trying not to die from the pressure. I sit down next to her and feel the box one more time before Yuna lays her head on my shoulder. Here we go. "When I first met you. I thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd seen in my life. You were like a living piece of art." I say playing with her fingers. "As time went on, I realized I couldn't get you out of my head for not even a second. I wanted to know you, every part of you. I wanted to see you smile, I wanted to cry with you and hurt who ever made you cry to begin with. I wanted to hold you in my arms and not be afraid for anyone to see. I didn't want to love you at first, I didn't want to experience such a heartbreak. But then, my love grew so much for you that I didn't even care. I wanted you to be mine, forever. I wanted to hold you, forever. I wanted to kiss you, forever. I wanted everything with you. I couldn't live without you for the rest of my life." I say as she picks up her head and looks at me. "I will never get over how beautiful you are. Your hazel eyes always looking at me and only me. The way you laugh and throw your head back. The way you raise your eyebrow at people's stupidity. I love everything about you. You're the strongest woman who didn't deserve that horrible past." I stand in front of her and she looks up at me with tears welling in her eyes and suddenly I can't control the sting I feel in my eyes as tears start to slip. "I never want anything bad to happen to you ever again. I'll make sure it doesn't. I wish I could have saved you a billion times over from what you've gone through. But, I can only think of the now. How you smile at me. I love your smile, it's so carefree and warm. It makes my heart swell to see you happy and laughing with all our friends. It makes my heart swell to be able to hold you every night. I never want to be apart from you. You're my biggest fan and you know me so well that you don't even have to ask me what I want because you already know. You've become the biggest motivation in my life. I'd never want it any other way. In times of hurt, I always look to you because you're the only person that can make me smile again and feel whole. I love you so much." I breathe in deeply wiping my eyes before bending down on one knee. "I love you more than life it self, so much that every time I look at you I can see vast expanse of the universe in your eyes and in your heart. Whether it's tomorrow, 2 years from now, 10 years, 40 years. I want to discover you for the rest of my life." I pull the box out of my pocket and Yuna stares at me wide-eyed as her tears stream freely down her face. "Choi Yuna, please, please marry me and make me the happiest man in the entire universe?" I ask opening the box and wiping my eyes. "Oh my God." She mutters in English putting her hand over her mouth. "Will you be my wife?" I ask before clearing my throat. "Taehyung... YES! YES!" She squeals jumping at me I set down down the box carefully and catch her as we fall to the ground. "I love you so much!" She sobs into my chest. "I love you too baby." I whisper cradling her head on my chest. I sit us upright and dry her tears with my sleeve. "Aigo, my pretty baby." I grab the box and slip the ring on to her finger before burying her crying face into my chest. As I close my eyes, singing starts around us. You Never Walk Alone. Yuna looks up quickly and squints as the singing comes closer. "I totally didn't tell them to do this." I whisper as she looks around frantically. Kook comes out with his camera and smiles while singing. Yuna covers her face with a giggle and I kiss her forehead. I look over at Jimin who has his hands on his face as he sobs harshly. In fact, all the guys are crying. "I love you." I whisper to Yuna and she looks up at me, I run my thumbs over her cheeks collecting her tears. "I love you too." "I LOVE YOU GUYS MORE!" Jin cries loudly sobbing into Namjoon hyungs shoulder. I look past them seeing my family. My mom is in tears burying her face into my dad's chest. This is the most beautiful moment in my life. Yuna pulls her knees closer to her body and I fix her dress. I rub my hand on her back as she continues to cry. I was elated. More than that, I was feeling euphoric. This woman truly and finally is mine. Forever. I look up at my grandfather and he wipes his tears with his handkerchief before giving me a big smile. I sigh happily and look down at my fiance. "Happy Anniversary baby." I say moving her hair out of her face. "I really thought you forgot!" She wails into my chest sobbing harder. I laugh and continue to rub my hand on her back. "How can I forget the best day in my life." I say kissing the top of her head. "Fuck, you guys are so cute." Yoongi mutter putting his sleeve to his eyes. "Thank you for becoming a part of my family." I say as Yuna finally picks her head up. Her eyes were a light green from crying and the wings of her eyeliner coming off. I snort and wipe her eyes making it just a rimmed eyeliner. "Silly." I whisper before kissing her nose.

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