Chapter 1: Small World

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"If suddenly you forget me, do not look for me for I shall have already forgotten you."

- Pablo Neruda

"In half a mile, turn right on Mulberry Rd."

Shifting in his seat for the hundredth time in the last five minutes, Elias leaned his head against the cool glass window. He stared miserably into his reflection just barely visible on the glass. Those dead hazel green eyes beamed aimlessly back into him behind the curly light brown locks that hung against his face.

Nothing was worse than to be trapped in the claustrophobic car, stuck in the back seat with his younger sister, cornered into the door, having no choice but to listen to the five year old talk to herself and the annoying monotonic voice machine giving directions to his father...for six hours.

"No, no, no." Ava's tiny mouth repeated over and over to her dolls. "Again, ladies." Tiny feet bobbed along Eli's leg as she redid her own small fashion show runway routine.

This is what hell is like. He thought as he felt the plastic toy digging into his thigh.

"Next right in 200 feet; 100 feet."

No fire or lava needed. This was it. He closed his lids tightly, trying to remember his old life. His old baseball team, old friends, old room. Everything that was left behind, anything he didn't pack in the small brown boxes and toss into the trailer behind them. Moving wasn't an easy thing for anybody. Moving to an entirely different town in a whole new state. It's not meant to be. Though this move was especially hard for him.

"Almost there." His father sighed. "Says it'll take about six more minutes before we see mommy." Elias cringed at the forced silly twinge in his voice that earned a giggle from Ava.

"Mommy!" She sprung out her arms. Eli yelped as the heel of her doll struck his head. "Eli! We're gonna see mommy-"

"She's not my mom." He didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as it had, but it did nonetheless and it sat heavily with the other two in the car. His father slowly gripped the stirring wheel; his knuckles whitening.

"Elias." The tone in his father's voice was dark enough for him to get the hint. The silly twinge was completely gone. His wrinkled blue eyes narrowed at him through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah..." He sighed, rubbing his head until the pain dissipated. The car grew silent. "I get it."

Ava sat curled against the couple of boxes that took up the space in the seat beside her. The build up of tension made the air too thick for her to even try piercing it with her high pitched voice. A part of Eli felt bad for dragging the spirit of his baby sister, but he couldn't bring himself to apologize, so he shrugged it off. She would eventually win in the end anyway. It's how it always went.

"You know what, Sweet pea? We just passed an ice cream parlor a couple of minutes ago. After we get to mommy, and get these boxes in, how about we go check it out together? Huh?"

Her eyes lit up, and she sprung back into motion once again. "Ice cream!"

Elias rolled his eyes at his prediction coming into reality not even a minute later. Everybody wins. Step-mom wants new house? Consider it done. Ava wants to stay with step-mom? Don't even have to ask. Dad wants the girls happy. He's got it.

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