Chapter 2: Strange Faces

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"People are pretty strange."

-Norman Reedus

"Al-Alberto? a guy?" Eli struggled to phrase the question.

"Yeah, Alberto like a guy." The giggle that left his lips made Elias question it even more. "But seriously. Just call me Sunshine."

Eli let his eyes roam the face in front of him. He had long dark lashes that framed his innocently soft shaped eyes, his lips were small and pouty, his skin was caramel, clear, and smooth; his hair, shiny and silky. His body was very petite. Just a flat chest, some lanky arms, and thin legs. Eli shook his head, suddenly looking at him now he could see he was a boy. Though something about his face continued to throw him off.

"Alright, Hazel." He tapped Eli's nose with his finger, and once again Eli flinched away. "Now it's your turn. What's yours?"

"Stop that." Elias gave him a stern glare.

"Stop what?" He tilted his head. Even his voice was soft and high. He also had an interesting hispanic sound to his tongue.

"Being so close-and weird-touching me."

"Oh yea, yea. Personal space and all that. Don't worry. I gotcha, Hazel."

"It's-my name is not Hazel." What's his problem, he thought. And why is he so close?

"Am I-I'm doing it, huh? I'm annoying you. Am I annoying? It's just-I mean I don't mean to." He stepped back, taking a breath. "I'm trying to meet you."

Eli watched stiffly as the boy trailed off into his own thought. He's never seen someone try to meet someone before. He was putting a little too much thought and energy for something so trivial.

"I wanna start over." Eli moved back as his hand shot out, afraid he was going to try and feel him again, but it just stuck out; still. "I'm Sunshine. What's your name?"

There was definitely something off about him. Autism? He thought. Shaking hands? Who shakes when meeting another kid?

Though, he was a very strange boy, he could tell he had good intentions. His advances had been innocent. It was a little refreshing. Different to say the least. It was like he was the only colorful, interesting thing on the street. A dab of paint on a blank canvas.

Relaxing his alerted muscles, Eli met him half way and shook his hand, very slow. "Elias."

"Nice to meet you, Elias. Can I call you Hazel? I like Hazel. Hazel sounds fun. Almost like Sunshine." He sped up again; a little too excited. Eli felt a flow of relief as he heard the loud bus curving around the street corner.

"No." He answered, snatching his hand away quickly.


He never thought he'd feel actual happiness from seeing a high school full of kids. Normal looking, normal acting kids. Unfortunately, it seemed to resemble the same tone as the rest of the town though. Dry, boring, and gray. For a moment, he was beginning to think the town was cursed by a couple of witches during its founding days or something like that. There had to be some screwed back story to explain the dark aura. Otherwise, it just made it feel even more strange.

Sunshine was doing his best to make the town seem like more than it was during the ride, though there wasn't even much to embellish on, but Elias just let him speak. The kid was getting a kick out of it.

It was the start of the second term. Of course no one was going to have that first day spring in their step because they were used to the routine by now.

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