Chapter 7: The Neet

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"One of the beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."

-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"These three men..." Beverly began, guiding their eyes to the pictures. "Are our suspects. You both will be assigned to one."

Elias couldn't stop looking at the man; the man from the cafe. "Tell me about this one." Elias pointed, stepping closer. "Him."

Beverly followed his gaze. " Jade Phillips. Twenty nine years old, handsome, charismatic, sort of a casanova, and has a bit of a gambling problem. We're not sure where he lives yet, but he visits bars, cafes, and clubs all around town picking up girls. He was the last person seen with Holland, and was also seen with Paige stumbling out of a bar a few nights before she went missing in September. Three victims this year and he's been seen with two. He's hot on our radar."

"I want him." Elias looked at Beverly. "I've seen him before."

"No." Bausy stepped up. "You're getting the Neet."

Elias furrowed his brows. "The who?"

"What's a neet?" Sunshine asked.

Bausy tapped on the picture of a boy. Obviously younger than the other two suspects; not looking any older than Elias. "You check him off first, then we'll talk about Jade."

"A kid?" Elias rose both brows.

"No. His high school picture was the only one we could get of him. It was taken ten years ago." Bausy replied. "His name is Clayton Blackmore. He went to Somerset; a golden boy for the football team. Near the end of his senior year, he was involved in the rape of a sixteen year old girl at a party with three other guys from his team. All his scholarships were stripped away-his parents divorced and ten years later, he lives in a little house with his mother on a very interesting street."

Eli was suddenly intrigued. "What's so interesting about the street?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked. See, you weren't the only ones doing work this week." Bausy replied. "I did my own research on you two and guess who so conveniently lives on your street- directly across from Alberto Sanchez..."

"It's Sunshine." Rainbow boy crossed his arms.

"Clayton Blackmore." Bausy finished and Eli furrowed his brows.

Directly across...? Wait.

"He's been reported several times for suspicious behavior. He's said to rarely leave his house, but when he does it's always at night. Neighbors say they heard screams coming from his place, but my dad checked it out and came up with nothing. There's just a lot to this man that can't be trusted, therefore he can't be ruled out. Not until I'm sure he's not our killer. That's why I'm assigning you two to him."

"Cool. But..." Sunshine scratched his head. "What are we supposed to do?"

"What we couldn't." Rocco finally uncrossed his arms and joined the conversation. "Get eyes on him-see what he looks like."

"Yeah." Porter added. "It'd be helpful having an updated image incase he ever did come out to an event."

"You live closer. It should be easier for you two than any of us." Bausy said.

"This all works out." Harley stepped up with a cheeky smile. "I mean other than the chance that you could be living right next to a serial killer."

"It shouldn't be that dangerous." Bausy gave Harley a look. "I'm not asking you to get up close and personal. Just get us his face and keep your distance. You are not to get close to him at all-no matter what."

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