Chapter 6: Stars Align - Part 2

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  A few left and right turns and they were there. It wasn't a far walk at all. Though, the girl wouldn't stop talking, making it seem like they had walked for miles. Elias internally groaned. Sunshine was still there in spirit. Though, he couldn't focus on much, the sight of the neighborhood was nice. A different change in scenery from his street. The houses were large and well built; the luxurious homes that people shoved in their wishlists on pinterest. They were surrounded by the greenest of grass and clear sidewalks. The sky was still gray and cloudy, but it seemed just a little less gloomy here.

"But she said she didn't tell anyone that I told her what Maveron did with Shelly." She whipped her silky hair. "But I don't believe her for a second. She's known to babble. And you know what else-"

"We just passed your house." Cush interrupted dullfully. She paused, looking back.

"Oh! Thank you!" She gave him another smile, turning around. "See you tomorrow! Nice meeting you Eli." She gave him a wink.

Eli nodded, and she was finally gone. Cush let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. "Two houses down."

  Once they reached his house Eli tried to hold in his shock, but his eyes told it all. Now he saw why Cush didn't hesitate at that price. His house was the largest of them all. Clean white siding with mixed stone walls and clear windows. Three expensive cars sitting idle in their drive way.

Cush opened the door and let Eli inside. There was a huge open space with stairs hugging the wall and a bright shining chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"Cush, honey is that you?" A feminine voice asked, and out stepped a pretty woman with black hair and blue eyes.  "Guess who almost said his first word-" She gasped when she saw Elias standing at her front door.

"You brought a friend...?" She smiled, looking at Cush.

"We're not friends, mom." Cush shoved his hands in his pockets, shaking his head. "He's just helping me-"

"Evan! Evan, baby! Cush brought home a friend!" She laughed, and hugged the man joining her from around the corner. Evan took one look at Elias and gave his wife a smile.

"I told you. Didn't I tell you-our boy is not a loner." He looked back at Cush. "You going to introduce your friend?"

Cush gave Elias a look before shutting his eyes. "Mom, dad, this is Elias. Elias these are my parents, Evan and Arlette."

Elias gave a friendly smile and Evan walked over giving him a firm shake while Arlette stood with her hand over her mouth, trying to hide her widening smile. "Nice to meet you buddy."

"You too, sir." Elias answered. Just then the wail of a young baby interrupted them from the kitchen.

"Oh, that's Theo." She glanced back. "Mommy's coming baby." She looked back to Elias. "Please feel free to stop by and see Cush whenever. Don't be a stranger, okay hun."

"Really?" Cush looked at his mother in disbelief before gesturing at Eli. "Let's go."

His parents watched as Eli followed Cush up the stairs. Evan looked down at Arlette. "Now I'm just waiting for him to bring home a girl friend."

"I can still hear you." Cush groaned, reaching the top of the stairs. Eli could hear his parents snicker as they began walking down a large hallway. There were pictures hanging on the walls of their family. He recognized Evan and Arlette cuddling a newborn he assumed must have been Theo. In another picture they all looked so much younger. They must have been married for years. There was a second girl in this one; couldn't be any older than sixteen at the time.

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