Chapter 15. The end is only the beginning...

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The voice belonged to Lily, the Korean-American girl that had always suspected something.

"Dan! What did you do?!" Maddie's shriek broke her son out of the guilty trance he seemed to be in.

Looking at the girl laying a few feet away, unconscious and bleeding, the guilt and realization of what happened hit him like a ton of bricks: he hurt his only friend. It was his fault she transformed, it was his fault she behaved like that, and it was his fault she was now laying there, motionless.

He wanted to scream, he wanted to destroy everything around him in frustration, but he mentally kicked himself.

'Wreaking havoc isn't the right thing to do, isn't it? I decided to change, so I should keep it up even in this case.' He thought, dropping to his knees and taking his head in his hands.

"It's... not... his... fault..." A feeble whisper could be heard from the previously unconscious girl.

She sat up slowly, with some help from Dani.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have gotten angry. If I hadn't gotten mad, this wouldn't have happened. But, I am no goody-goody to feel guilt. I know it's my fault, yet I'll do nothing." Sophie stood up and simply stretched her back.

"So now everyone knows who I am?" Sophie looked around, and saw the Sanchez siblings far away, their backs turned to her.

"Except for the Sanchez'" Sophie concluded.

"Well, I better get to my lair. See you later!" Sophie re-transformed and disappeared into thin air.

"Dan -whatever your middle name is- Fenton! How could you?! We lost our only capable guide here!" Andy yelled, looking up at the taller teen.

"Andrew, I suggest you shut your mouth. I am just as capable of guiding you towards Phantom's Keep, just like my siblings."

Dan just turned around and started walking, making everyone follow him.

"Danny, guide them to our lair. I'm going to find that drama queen." He said, without bothering to turn around.

Since he didn't even bother detransforming before, he just flew in the same direction as Shadow.

Danny just shook his head and sighed.

"I swear, their hotheadedness and their temper are going to create big problems." He mumbled.

Meanwhile, Sophie was ranting to her mentor, Nocturne.

"-and who does he think he is? He thinks he's all mighty and strong and... and... UGHHHHH! I just want to rip his head off his shoulders!" Sophie groaned in frustration.

"Why don't you do it then?" Dan's voice rang out in the vast room.

"You... bastard..." Sophie growled and transformed back into her ghost form.

"Children, fighting again won't solve anything." Nocturne placed his starry hands on his pupil's petite shoulders.

"But I would feel much better when I rip off his -ow!" She yelped when her mentor pinched her neck.

"You've been in here for who knows how long and you've fought ever since you defeated Undergrowth!" Nocturne raised his voice.

"But-" Shadow tried to speak, but Nocturne interrupted her again.

"No buts. You know I'm right. Now, apologize for your rash behavior." Her mentor pushed the blue-haired girl towards the teen in front of her.

Huffing, she waved her hand, and glowing purple letters arranged themselves into words: 'I'm sorry, Dan.'

Then she walked towards the flame head, and, floating a bit, placed a soft peck on his cheek.

"I'm sorry." She whispered again in his ear.

When she pulled away, he was as red as hot chilly pepper.

"Let's go back." She murmured.

"Sophie?" Nocturne called out.

"Yeah?" She turned around.

"Take care. Danger's lurking just around the corner." Her mentor looked at her worryingly.

"I will." She answered, then flew out of the room and out of the castle, Dan following her.



Hey guys! I just want to say that this is not the end of the story of our beloved halfa team, but only the end of the first book!

To be honest, it was really fun writing this book, and I see that it's well liked since it has.... 590+ reads!!!

I want to say thank you to every reader out there, and I want to thank a few special people:

ElenaMaserati, for being such an amazing friend, helping me out, reading this and tolerating my squeals about my OTPs in this story.

GiulyLongi  , for being an amazing person, for being my squealing partner and for tolerating my constant ranting.

_the_otaku_ , for being an amazing friend and for tolerating me even if I am a total BAKA.

and finally,

maricruz2004, for voting, supporting me and commenting on my story!

Now that this book is officially done, check out my other stories, or keep an eye on my notice board for updates about the sequel!

Also, where I live, IT'S SNOWING!!!! *^* It hasn't snowed like this in exactly 5 years! ^.^



Disasters in the Shadows {A Danny Phantom Fanfiction} Book 1Where stories live. Discover now