Chapter 3

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After dinner, we sat on the deck in the old Adirondack chairs talking about past summers at the cabin. Anna and I kept sneaking glances toward the Tomlinson's lake house, hoping to catch a Louis sighting. After a while, our dad got quiet.

"So how's your mom doing?" He asked.
It was the question I knew would eventually come up, and Anna and I weren't quite sure how to answer.

"She's doing well, keeping busy." Anna smiled.

"Is she seeing anyone new, yet?" He asked.

"Sorta, she's seeing this guy named Charles. But it doesn't seem too serious." Anna was just being honest, but I could see the sadness on my dad's face.

"You know, I think it's time for ice cream!" I added quickly.

"You're right, Valerie! Cone or bowl?" My dad asked, jumping up from his seat with excitement, happy for a change in topic.

"Dad, it's like you don't even know us! Cone! And it better be a waffle cone!" Anna joked. It was tradition to have waffle cones fully stocked at the cabin during the summer.

"Three waffle cones it is!" He said as he dashed into the cabin.

"Anna, what was that?" I asked.

"We have to be honest with him, Val. He's going to find out sooner or later."

"I know, but it's just hard to watch." I added, glancing across the water.

"Look! The porch light is on, do you see Louis?"

"I can't really make out much, it's a bit far away if you know what I mean." Anna said with a coy smirk. "I think we should get a closer look."

"Yes, I think that's a great idea." I smiled as dad walked out with our ice cream cones.

"Cheers to a great summer at the old homestead!" My father held out his cone and we followed suit, hitting our chocolate chip ice cream scoops together.

"Are you ladies up for some blueberry pancakes in the morning?"

"Do we breathe oxygen?" I asked, giving my dad a hard time.

"Well I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the grocery store in town sells local berries. The bad news is that I forgot to pick some up. Who wants to join me on a grocery run?"

Anna and I looked at each other and replied in unison, "nah, we'll stay here."

Dad laughed, "alright, alright. You girls can stay here while I make a trip into town."

By the time our dad left, it was starting to get dark. We decided that darkness would give us better cover, anyway. We took the old familiar path around the lake, a worn-down dirt trail that connected all of the cabins and docks. Most of the families that stayed at the lake knew each other, and had grown up together during their childhood summers, so the path was also well-maintained.

As we walked along the trail, I got nervous. What if Louis wasn't there? We were two cabins away from the Tomlinson's lake house, and my palms were starting to sweat.

"Anna, what if he isn't here?" I asked.

"Then we go home! I won't tolerate another summer without the gorgeous boy!" Anna replied, stomping her feet. I knew she was kidding, but I couldn't help but agree with the notion.

We neared Louis's lake house, which was one of the nicer places at the lake. The beautiful home had massive windows and tall, vaulted ceilings. The second story had a balcony overlooking the lake, and there was even a boathouse by their dock. Their patio wasn't far from the trail, and we could make out several adults around the fire pit.

Anna subtly elbowed my ribs. Louis sat between two of his little sisters, roasting marshmallows over the fire. I wasn't sure what to do, and neither was Anna. So we continued our walk along the path and casually waved at the Tomlinsons.

"Anna! Valerie! Come join us!" Johanna came jogging toward us, waving her marshmallow on a stick.

"Oh! Hello, Mrs. Tomlinson! We really shouldn't, our dad ran into town and-" I started.

"Just one s'mores?" She asked as she smiled at us.

I looked at Anna, and she shrugged.

"Okay, but just one!" Anna replied.

We walked up to the fire, and Louis smiled at me. He flashed his beautiful white teeth at me and I almost lost my composure. "Be cool," I thought.

"Here, girls! You can sit here!" Johanna cleared a spot on the bench across from Louis, and I watched him as he helped his little sister make her s'mores.

"How have you two been? I heard about your parents, how are they? Did your mom come with you guys this summer?" Johanna was full of questions.

"We've been doing well, I just finished my second year of college and Anna here just graduated high school! Our parents are trying to cope, it's been a rough year. And no, mom stayed home this summer." I tried to answer all of the questions at once before I made my s'mores, because I knew I'd make a mess otherwise.

"I'm sorry to hear that, we've known them since we've had our place here at the lake!" Louis's stepdad Mark replied.

"Our mom wanted us to tell everyone hello for her since she couldn't be here." Anna added, shoving a marshmallow into her mouth.

I couldn't help but notice Louis's silence. He kept busy on the other side of the fire, seemingly uninterested in our conversation. But I caught him stealing glances at me a few times, and I noticed a couple new tattoos on his arms. I tried to see what they were, but I was unable to see anything in the firelight.

"Well, we better be on our way. Our dad will be back soon and wondering where we've gotten off to!" I said, standing up. Anna stood, and we bid them goodbye.

"What the heck was that? Why was he so quiet?" Anna asked me, I knew she could sense my uneasiness.

"I don't know, but it was sort've annoying, wasn't it? The way he just kept to himself?" I asked. I was so disappointed in our first run-in with Louis, I was worried that it'd be another disappointing summer, only worse. He was actually here, at the lake, but still equally as unreachable as if he were gone.

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