Chapter 27

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We sat cross-legged on the countertop in Louis' lake house, passing a jar of peanut butter back and forth.

"Crunchy or creamy?" I asked, handing him the jar and licking my spoon.

"Crunchy, you?" He asked, taking a scoop of peanut butter.

"Creamy, it's easier to spread," I rationalized.

"Good point, but it looks like you got some peanut butter on your nose," Louis laughed.

"What? How does that even happen?" I went to wipe it off, but Louis was already wiping peanut butter on my nose.

"Peanut butter war!" Louis declared in a loud whisper as not to disturb his sleeping family.

"This isn't fair! You have the jar!" I laughed, trying to block myself from the next peanut butter smear attack.

Louis set the jar down and decided a tickle war was more appropriate. He tickled my sides as I squirmed to get away. Jumping down from the countertop, Louis continued to tickle me. I was laughing breathily, trying to be quiet.

He paused, his face inches from my own. My breath caught in my chest as he moved closer, and he brushed my hair behind my ear. I leaned in, pressing my lips to his, savoring the taste of his peanut butter kiss.

I pulled away, "will you write me letters?"

"I'll write you letters," Louis replied, knowing I was referring to the end of our summer together. "And I'd like to come visit you, too."

I gasped in surprise, "you don't have to do that, I know plane tickets can be pricy and-"

Louis interrupted, "I'd love to come visit you, even if I have to sell an arm."

"Well I won't hold you to it, I've had plenty of friends say they'd come visit but they never do," I said, trying not to sound disappointed about it. "But it's okay, I don't hold it against them."

"I will write you letters. And I will do my best to come visit you," Louis said with a smile.

"Fair enough, Lou," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling his nose.

"So about that sunrise together," Louis said, looking at the clock. "We've almost made it."

I laughed, "was this your plan all along?"

"Well, it may have been," Louis smiled. "Is that okay?"

"Absolutely not! I'm part vampire and the sunlight will make me melt," I joked.

"You would have been a puddle long ago with all of that sun bathing you do," Louis replied.

"You're right! I'd be a puddle in the bottom of the lake, then what would you do?" I asked jokingly.

"I'd be sad and write you letters, anyway," Louis said.

"Well that's disturbing, yet oddly charming," I laughed.

"It's almost time for the sun to come up," Louis said, looking at the clock.

"Well let's get out there, then," I said excitedly.

"I'll give you a lift," Louis said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

Without answering my question, Louis picked me up and carried me bridal style all the way out to the dock as we laughed the whole way.

When he set me down at the end of the dock, I unwrapped my arms from around his neck.

"I haven't been carried like that since I was a little kid," I said, still laughing.

Louis laced his fingers with mine, "I can't wait to see your face when the sun rises."

I smiled, blushing. My heart raced and though my eyes were tired, I was glad I could spend the entire night with Louis.

We sat down on the dock, dangling our feet in the water. The sky grew from an inky blue to a pale blue. The birds began their morning songs and the crickets continued their chirping.

We watched silently as the sky ignited into brilliant pinks, oranges, and yellows. My mouth pulled into a wide grin as I watched the fiery ball of light ascend over the distant mountain tops. Birds swooped and darted near the water's surface. Ripples from fish feeding on insects disturbed the glassy perfection of the lake.

"I missed the sunrise," Louis broke the silence.

I looked at him, confused.

"But I think by the look on your face, it must have been pretty beautiful," Louis smiled, looking down.

A rush of heat filled my cheeks and I bit my lip, trying to contain myself. It was no use.

I leaned on Louis' shoulder, "maybe we'll have to catch another sunrise, before I leave."

"I'd love that," Louis said, putting his arm around me and kissing the top of my head.

The Phoenix ~Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now