Chapter 15

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I had no idea what to expect as we drove into the city, but by the time we'd gotten downtown, the sun was beginning to set behind the skyscrapers. The evening sky was a vibrant blend of fiery orange and fluorescent pink, with a few clouds adding a deep, contrasting purple.

"We're almost there, I've just gotta find parking!" Louis said with a twinkle in his eye. He was so charming. His hair was slicked to the side, and his tattoos peeked out from beneath the edges of his rolled-up sleeves.

We parked in a parking garage and before I could manage to gather my purse, Louis was opening the car door for me. I was speechless, but he held out his hand to help me out of the car.

"Oh my goodness, Lou. I feel like a princess," I said, taking his warm hand.

"You look like a princess," he replied, smiling.

The butterflies in my stomach were going wild, and there was nothing I could do to contain them. So I allowed the feelings of adoration to fully take over my entire being.

"Shall we?" Louis held out his arm and I wrapped my arm around his. "I hope you like this place, it's very special to me."

"Oh? And why is that?" I asked as we walked out of the parking garage and into the bustle of the city streets.

"You'll see, patience," he said, looking down at me and smiling. I wondered if his face hurt as badly as mine after all the smiling we seemed to do when we were together.

We walked past cafes and shops and offices. The street lights were beginning to light up as we rounded a corner to a more narrow street.

"We're almost there, I promise!" Louis said with a little laugh. And after passing a candy shop and a small art gallery, he lead me into an older red-brick restaurant, "right this way, miss!"

The host greeted us with a smile and Louis gave him his name, "Ah! Mr. Tomlinson! Arthur here will be your server, he'll lead the way."

Arthur lead us through the dimly-lit restaurant to the very back of the establishment and to a staircase. We ascended the stairs, which lead to another small dining area. But we didn't stop at any of these tables. We continued through a door and out onto the rooftop patio.

Lanterns hung low as patio lights twinkled above over the tables, and my breath caught in my chest as I looked out at the sky. The horizon was engulfed in the most brilliant fire orange, and the twinkle of the lights below us were like the fireflies at the lake.

Arthur sat us at a table near the ledge of the building and we ordered our drinks. When I looked up from the menu, Louis was staring.

"What is it?" I laughed, worried that I may have messed up my hair or makeup during our walk to the restaurant.

He smiled and leaned in, "it's something about your face, I can't really put my finger on it."

"Oh god, I tried to cover up this breakout the best I could-" I started.

Louis interrupted, "no, no. It's not that. I didn't even notice that! It's something about the way you look at a sunset. Are you sure sunset isn't your favorite color?"

I could feel my cheeks get hot with embarrassment, "last I checked, sunrise was my favorite. But sunsets are brilliant, too."

Louis laughed, "well if that's the case, I'd love to see how your face lights up for a sunrise."

I smiled, "I guess it's possible to arrange that." I took a sip of my drink and thought of all the possibilities.

Our server came back and took our orders. We continued sipping on our drinks and talking about anything and everything.

"If you had to choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?" I asked.

"Oh, that's a tough one. I'd probably have to say pizza because there's such a variety." Louis replied with a laugh. "Would you rather be able to read minds or teleport?"

"Teleport, reading minds would be bothersome and awkward!" I laughed, enjoying the carefree feel of the evening. But my mind was wandering into the realm of introspection. "Would you rather love and never be loved in return, or be loved and never love in return?"

Louis' expression became very serious, and he rubbed his face. "This is a really tough one, Val."

Arthur came back to clear the table and asked us if we were interested in dessert. We politely declined, as we were far too full from dinner to fit any dessert into the evening.

I sat, patiently waiting for a reply.

"It's so hard to say. We all want to feel loved. Don't we?" He asked, trying to deflect the question.

"I suppose so." I shrugged, still not satisfied with the answer.

"How about you? Which would you choose?" Louis asked me.

"I'd choose to love. I don't think it's a tough choice at all," I smiled.

Changing the subject, Louis asked "what is it you study?"

"I major in marine science and geology, I'll be helping with some research next semester. What about you?"

"That's fantastic, Val! And I'm undeclared. I'm not sure what I want to do, I have a few ideas but that's about it." Louis replied as he fiddled with his napkin.

I could tell there was more to it. "What is it that interests you, Lou?"

"You can't laugh. You have to promise." He replied very sternly.

"I promise." I crossed my heart.

"I've always loved playing soccer. And I think I'd like to play or manage a team." His face lit up with the delight of someone talking about their passion, and I thoroughly admired that.

"Why would I ever laugh at that Lou? That's fantastic and you'd be so great at it!" I replied, smiling.

"What do you want to do when you're done with school?" Louis asked as we gathered our things to leave the restaurant.

"Ideally? I'd love to continue my education and get my masters degree and do natural disaster assessment and management. I want to save the world." I winked at Louis, completely serious about saving lives.

"Wow, Valerie. That sounds amazing, and you've got the brains for it. That's for sure." We walked down the stairs and through the restaurant, back out onto the street.

I blushed as Louis took my hand.

"It's still so early in the evening, do you mind if I show you something?" Louis asked with a smile that could charm a brick wall. I was in way over my head with this boy.

"I am always ready for adventure," I said, giving Louis the same cunning smile he showed me.

And with that, we continued on down unfamiliar streets, past book stores and coffee shops, cafes and hookah bars.

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