Chapter 12

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McKinley's POV

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Tyler across the table. We had decided to go to a simple diner for lunch, since he didn't have the longest lunch break.

He nodded, putting a french fry into his mouth.

"Your hearing... Is it okay if I ask about that? I don't want to be rude or anything."

Tyler finished chewing and swallowed his bite. "No, it's fine. I'd figured you'd be asking sooner rather than later anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Nothing. But I became deaf when I was in seventh grade. I was sick - really sick. I had such a high fever for over a week. By the time the fever broke, my hearing was gone."

"Damn," I said, not sure what else to say. "That sucks."

"Yeah, it does." He sighed. "I'm used to it by now, though. It's not so bad."

"I don't know how you do it," I said. "I would have lost my mind."

"I'm lucky I have the hearing aids now. I didn't have them for a couple years 'cause we couldn't afford them."

My mouth dropped open. "How did you survive?! That's awful!"

He chuckled. "Yeah, I can't imagine you being in this situation."

"You don't know me."

He smirked. "I think I know you enough: obsessed with all things music? Without your hearing, you wouldn't have anything to talk about."

He started laughing and I couldn't help but smile, even at the slight insult. His laugh was too contagious.  "Obsessed is a pretty harsh word..."

"Are you saying it's not true?"

I went to argue, but then I thought about it. "Okay, maybe I am a little bit. A tiny bit."

"Sure. We'll go with that."

We both went silent, focusing on our lunches for a few minutes before Tyler spoke again. "Are you busy Wednesday night?"

I had to think for a second before I realized Wednesday was the fourth of July. "I don't think I have any plans. Why?"

"Do you want to come to a barbecue with me?"

I smiled. "You know, this morning I honestly thought I was going to be the one to ask you out. You have now asked me out twice today. This isn't fair."

He laughed. "So? Do you wanna come with me? It's at a friend's house. I can pick you up from your place."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that." I pulled out my phone. "What's your number? I feel like that's probably a good thing to have, especially if we're doing this whole dating thing."

Handing my phone across the table, I waited while he typed in his number. It was only a few seconds later when he held it back out to me.

"Your mom texted you," Tyler informed me.

"She can wait."

"Actually... I didn't mean to read it, it just popped up on the screen. But you might want to look at it now."

Oh no. I grabbed my phone back from his outstretched hand and opened my messages. There, on the top of the list, was the text from my mom: I just wanted to let you know that your uncle is in the hospital.

My heart sank. "I need to go home," I said, still staring at the message. "I'm so sorry to run out on you. Again. But... my uncle... he's like my dad. I-I need to go."

"I get it, McKinley. I do. Go. I got lunch."

I started getting up before I remembered that he paid for the failure of a dinner we tried to have the other day. I pulled out my wallet and grabbed a couple bills. "Take it. Please. It's the least I can do."

I could tell Tyler wanted to argue, but he thankfully grabbed the money from me. "Drive safe," he said.

I nodded. "I'll text you tonight. Wait, you saved your number, right?"

"Yes. Now go."

I leaned down to kiss him quickly before I was out the door. It was a good thing the diner was just down the street from the mechanic shop. Tyler would be fine walking the five minutes back to work.

All I could focus on was getting home at this point, almost flying right by the street my apartment was on in a hurry to get home. How could I have forgotten to stop to grab some clothes and my phone charger? I didn't know how long I'd be there.

Finally, after two hours, I was pulling into the driveway of my childhood home. It wasn't much, barely even a house fit for four people, let alone the six of us. But it was home and I loved it nonetheless. I just wished I was coming home on better terms.

As soon as I walked through the front door, my dogs came in for the attack. Normally, I would be rolling around on the floor with them, but I just wasn't in the mood to play with them right now, even if it's been a few months since I've seen them.

"Mom?" I called into the house. Her car was outside, which meant she should be here. "I'm home!"

"McKinley?" she called back, from what sounded like the kitchen.

I headed in that direction, dumping my backpack somewhere in the hallway along the way. I'll pick that up later.

She pulled me into a tight hug the second I entered the tiny kitchen. I hugged her back, breathing in her comforting scent. I missed her.

"What happened?" I asked, pulling away from her. "Is he okay?"

She gave me a small smile. "You didn't have to come all the way here. I'm sure you are busy."

I shook my head. "This is way more important. Is he okay? Uncle Mark? What happened, Mom?"

She nodded. "He'll be fine. It was a heart attack."

I breathed a sigh of relief. It still wasn't good, but it definitely wasn't as bad as I was fearing. I couldn't lose him. Not yet, anyway.

A few years ago, my mom's brother, Mark, and his daughter, Steph, moved in with us after his wife passed away. We really didn't have the space for them to move in with us, but it was necessary. Now I wouldn't want to live without them here. And if Mark was gone, I didn't know what would happen to our little family.

"I'm just about to head back to the hospital," Mom said. "You coming with me?"

I didn't have to think twice before I answered. "Of course."

She put her arm around my shoulders, a bag of food in her other hand. "Everything's going to be okay, McKinley. It will."

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