Chapter 6

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We texted all day, everyday.

I still hadn't fully forgiven him yet though.

My phone buzzed in my hand, Harry and I were discussing our favorite animals, his was cats and mine was between koala's and monkeys.

*3 days later*

"They have to win, they will win" I begged.

Me and Anne were sitting on my couch it was the second last epiosde of X-Factor. Harry and all the boys had to win, it was their dream. They were about to announce who gets kicked out, but then a add came on.

"Well, I'm going to go get some juice, you want some?" I offered.

"Sure, but be quick!" She replied.

I was half way thought getting our juice when I heard the The X-factor theme song.

I quickly grabbed the juice and made my way to the living room. But then I heard "And the person going home tonight is, oh the ladies won't be to happy about this, One Direction."

I dropped the juice, lucky the cups were plastic. Shit, Harry.

They didn't win, the judges must of make a mistake! They had to win! They had to!

I got my phone out and text Harry.

"Great job babe, you came 3rd, don't be upset. You guys are gonna be huge! Even if you didn't win! - Aliyah xx" I sent it.

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