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When it was time to play i didn't think much of it, i was the last one to arrive,i sat down on a empty spot as soon as i sat down we started playing truth or dare

"A kitten! Aww"

The kitten started running to toby,when the kitty jumps on Toby's lap,Toby became a girl!

We all stared at Toby and at the kitten back to back then 'poof' just like that the kitty vanished

Toby started freaking out "What happens to Toby !? She looks hotter than me!" Said clockwork (Clockwhore) Toby answerd"I don't know! I really don't know!"

"Let's stop worrying this and let's play truth or dare buy we can also play 7 minutes in heaven since sally and slender is not here" Hoodie said and everyone else agreed

"Me first,Toby or Tina Truth or dare?"said Jeff"How about truth" answered Toby/Tina

"How many secrets do you have?"  "uhhh...2" "EJ truth or dare?" "Dare" "i dare you to steal jeff knife's"whispered Tina/Toby then ej went to jeff's room,When he came back we were all laughing EJ was wearing a belt buckle with jeff's knives every single one of them, jeff started to chase EJ for his knives and to punch him,EJ started to get tired so give his knives back then jeff gives a punch to his face,Jeff and EJ sat back on there spots then ej said " Tina truth or dare" "why always me! and Truth" "what are 1 of your secrets?" "umm.. i-im a-a-

"P               O               P"

neko" some people blushed and some just wide mouth


"W-what my crush he started blushing really hard when my it pop out my neko form GAHHH!" I heard Masky whispered something to Hoodie "Tina looks cute" and hoodie heard it to he then said "My Ship is sailing fuckers-!"Masky covered Hoodie's mouth and said "Hoodie.You.Are.Dead"  "OKAYYYY That just happend" "I dont even want to know what Masky said" "ok then"
"Lulu truth or dare" Dare!"

"I dare you to kiss Jeff"Lulu started to form pink shades on her cheeks or what some people call it blush "hehehe" Lulu(When I put Lulu it auto correct to Lily I had to put Lulu a couple a times till auto correct gave up) then gave Jeff a peck on the cheek,hoodie and masky said "Lulu and Jeff sitting on a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g"(First comes love second comes marriage Jeff cheated tragic marriage D-I-V-O-R-C-E-D)the blush On Lulu and Jeff face became more darker,Lulu said "Masky truth or dare" "Dare" "I dare you to kiss Toby or Tina,HA payback!" Suddenly he kissed me in the lips,i kissed him back with no hesitation

"There in love~♡ and I haven't got a turn so Tina truth or dare" "Dare" "I dare you to do i get no sleep cuz of y'all at 6:00" "Ok"

The truth or dare finished now we have to play a game i don't know of but it was simple,we all have bandana on our face or eyes and kiss,I don't  recall a game like that it's a little weird it started,STAHHHHP it then ended hoodie was the one to pick he said so the first match was ben kissing sally ej kissing lj masky kissing toby then we heard a shock i turned back into a boy i dont even know what just happend lj and ej said WHAT?!?!!? We all laughed


??? POV

Wow... he has grown up... I wonder what will happen if I mess around with his....

"Twisted And Mythical Life"(TicciMask Love Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now