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Toby's Pov

I been noticing about myself i havent twitch in a while the voices were long gone and i dont stuter when i speak its like.... my disorders is gone and replaced with normal things i cant feel pain but i can feel emotional pain i rememeber about the posters it had a singing contest rap battle (Epic rap battles of ) with themes and a play about romeo and juilet (old style i know ) there was a board there that says if you wanna join  put my name here. So i put my name in rap battle singing contest and the play i was going down stairs when masky went up to me he said

Masky: Hey Tobes what are you joining

Toby: All of them

Masky: ok i wanted to let you know that all of it you have to dress good and the rap battle you need to dress like a gangsta

Toby: ok bye

Masky: bye

I was now down stairs when i hear everyone singing exept for slendy and masky ( btw slendy was making coffe)
I was going to the kitchen to get my special singing waffles (so toby can sing a little better and its special to him) but hoodie came up to me

Hoodie: Hey toby why are you not joining us

Toby: i like to sing alone so i can focus on my voice

Hoodie: Smart

Toby: And them to not hear my voice when i practice singing

Hoodie: Ok bye

Toby: bye

I got to the kitchen and grab my special waffles and head to my room i begin to sing

There's no way to say this song's about someone else
Every time you're not in my arms
I start to lose myself
Someone please pass me my shades
Don't let 'em see me down
You have taken over my days
So tonight I'm going out

Yet I'm feeling like
There is no better place than right by your side
I had a little taste
And I'll only spoil the party anyway
'Cause all the girls are looking fine
But you're the only one on my mind

La da dee
La da dee doo
La da da me
La da da you
La da dee
La da dee doo
There's only me
There's only you
La da dee
La da dee doo
La da da me
La da da you
La da dee
La da dee doo
When you were gone I think of you

I was done singing but i notice i didnt eat any of my special waffles and my voice was ugly if i think of it then the door shut open reveiling...


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