Good at

289 6 1

Slendy's Pov

A iron star and i forgot toby has 12 stars in total hoodie has 15 masky has 18

Toby Hoodie Masky
1.)12 points 2.)15 points 3.)18 points

Wow toby your almost beating brian. Toby masky said to toby


Lets go talk in private for a bit


Toby's Pov

We walked in to my room that was almost right next to slendys office

What do ya want to talk about masky?

How did you get 12 stars!

I did choures (i forgot how to spell it!)


Did some drinks for slendy

Only coffe?


Then what others

Shakes like mango shake,buko shake and strawberry shake.

Ok can i try one of your shake's.

Sure what kind!



1 day

3rd person Pov

Toby was already up in 3:00 in the moring and he was watching tv he didnt eat then toby rememeber to make masky a mango shake he got up and had put a bow around him so no one can see hi mango and the ice or hear anythingm or hear him blend the if he surround the box in himself . He begin to blend and when he was done no one was still not out he put out the box and see the time it was about to be 4:00 he put down the shake at the counter and put a letter or a note i dont know and put it saying

Masky here is the shake you want to try!

And put it in the fridge and sat in the couch watching tv.

Ben came down and said to toby wow toby your early down i always be first to get up. By the way what time did you get up?


Wow! What did you do when you got

Wach tv and did a shake for masky


Cauase he wanted me to try my shake

If you say so~

Ben was going to the kitchen and get breakfast he open the fridge to see a shake he didnt know who made it is or toby did it that he was right and there was a letter note i dont know that said

Masky here is the shake you wanted to try!

Everyone was going to go down and was to get breakfast when they heard toby singing a little loud singing

Yeah im feelling like there is no better place than right by your side i had a little taste then i

Toby stop cause he saw them listening
What shake do you all prefer! "Any shake" mine is buko cuz its my fav! And the song toby singing was on the top ta la la

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