what just happend

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Toby's POV

When hoodie said all that who i just run to my room i knew everyone was confuesed i dont know what caught into me but i knew in my past that i sneak into slendy's office and saw a folder and decides to look through it a new girl will going to get in march 11 and i just cant hold myself when i remeber that i knew ben wasnt there so i just lay down in my bed and falling asleep

Masky's POV

I dont know what just happend to toby he started running to his room it was really strange to see him like that so i decided to go to toby's room and it wasnt lock he always lock's his door if he whants to be alone then i open the door half way through and saw a cute sleeping toby fast asleep i dont know what happening to him but everyknow or then i see him holding a pill i dont know why but we both do he sometimes loose controll like i do i just thought i think his cute no masky your not gay whill i said that and slap my own face and notice that there was a table same height of a bed and it was a circle not ovel and it had a laptop beside it. It was strange i then leave his room closing it behind me

Jane POV

I always act like im the mom of toby and i was proud like toby did he always stands up for me and me to because i know his past and im trying him to forget he did but every often he will remember i was so worried about toby when he rush to go to his room i saw masky got to his room then i stand up then walk out of hoodie and masky's room then just colapse everything goes blury then black

Sorry guys if  it was short my finals was on monday and guess how many words if you guess it i will follow you on wattpad this is already wattpad lol anyways bye clude s tha N/A k

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