Posters and funnyness

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3rd person Pov and 1 Day later

Slendy was calling hoodie to his office


Yes sir?

I want you to hang this poster up inside the mansion and tell everyone that you all have to not be out side until you are done and tell toby to help you cause he can teleport and that is done

Yes sir

Here is the posters

Ok sir

Time skip 6 minutes later

Everyone here


Hoodie: Okay i need you all exept toby to stay in your room until we are done with something if you did not do that rule you will be minus stars and will have no kill for 2 weeks!


Toby: What are we going to do hoodie?

Hoodie:We will put up posters

Toby: Ok but it will only be 1 minute

Hoodie: Ok? Anyway everyone go

Everyone: Ok!

Toby: Let me do it all

Hoodie: Ok

Toby use his magic and puts the posters in different spots

Toby: Done

Hoodie: Wow

Toby: My new magic

Hoodie: Everyone Out now!

Masky: That was quick

Toby:Masky your mask!


Toby use teleport and grab masky's mask and teleport to masky and gave him masky's mask

Toby: Here

Masky: Thanks

Toby: Welcome. Hey hoodie

Hoodie: Yeah

Toby: Wheres the uno?

Hoodie: jeff borrowed it

Toby: Where is he?

Hoodie: I dont know. Maybe in his room?

Toby: Ok i'll check

Toby teleported to his room and grab his phone maybe he can see something funny he then walked out hes room and to jeff he heard singing he begin to record jeff singing

Jeff singing: Fuq it all Fuq it all i dont get this sh*t anymore!

Toby stop recording and went to his room laughing hard everyone exept jeff heard cause he was singing

Masky: Hey toby what are you lauhging at?

Toby: secret :3

Masky: Sure. Whats that sound

Toby: From jeffs room

Masky: i think so

Toby: Singing :3

Masky: What

Toby: i got it on video

Everyone: What!??!?

Toby: Look

Toby got his phone and show the video of jeff singing they were all laughing hard. Jeff was done singing and heard them laughing jeff then went to toby's room that he heard laughing at

Jeff: whats going on?

Everyone: You!

Jeff: Me what?

Toby: You were singing!


Everyone:Yeah! and toby recorded it!


Toby: Catch me if you can!

Jeff: I'll catch you alright

Toby were running really fast and he pretend something so he cant be chase by jeff

Toby: Sugar rush!

Everyone: Oh no

Everyone closed there doors

Toby whispered to himself: it worked

Masky then open his door to see toby on the couch watching roblox games
Masky asked

Masky: Toby i thought you were in a sugar rush

Toby: I pretend it!

Masky: Wow your really good at faking

Toby: I know :3

Masky: Everyone out of your rooms now toby was pretending

Everyone: What!

Masky: Yup

Jeff: why you!

Toby: i'll eat candy and do a sugar rush

Jeff: FINE!

Ben: watcha watching

Toby turns of the tv

Toby: nothing!

Ben: Sure~

Toby: you will get attched to it like me cause its a video game

Ben: i want to try it!

Toby: no!

Masky: What game is it?

Toby whispered to masky: Roblox

Masky: i'll go check it out later

Ben: i'll hacked in!

Toby: dont look at it masky i'll show you in my phone

Ben: Bad!

Masky: You can hacked any gadgets right

Ben: Yeah but toby put it really secure

Masky: Like what?

Ben: Anti-hacked Anti-virus and he puts face detector and he puts password on his apps home screen and pictures all of his gadgets i cant find the passwords

Masky: Wow how many gadgets

Ben: 3. 2 phones . 1 laptop

Masky: What!?!

Ben: Yup 1 he is hiding somewhere

Toby: cause you cant know!

Ben:is it in the mansion

Toby murmur: maybe

Ben: i knew it

Toby went to the tv and played a song called pretty girl

Ben: thats good music

Toby: you havent seen that!

Ben: yes. Everyone in the mansion dont know that

Toby: i know that because of zalgo

Everyone: how?

Toby: i was given a mission by slendy
That to spy on zalgo. When i was there i heard zalgo singin i didnt know what he was singing so i teleported in the castle and laughing he heard me laughing then he said dafuq what were you singing i said while laughing pretty girl. WAIT YOUR THE ENEMY!! I know and ta la la i said and teleported away

Masky: that was long


If your wondering what the posters said  look at my youtube channle KittyKatty i know a little bit of subs im just a starter anyway its the text one

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