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Toby's pov and next day

I woke up. I didnt have a nightmare thats starnge i think to myself. I saw my bathroom lights is open. So i went to check it out. I open the bathroom door and saw.............. Lyra.... My dead sister. SHES DEAD HOW IS SHE STILL HERE?! SHE DIED IN A CAR CRASH DID SHE SURVIVED!? NO SHE DIDNT CAUSE SHE DIED IN FRONT OF ME! IN THE HOSPITAL!. I dont know what was going on. Shes dead how is she still alive!? STAY BACK I yelled YOURE NOT LYRA! I continued Oh my dear brother....... ITS ME LYRA BROTHER I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME IM YOURE SISTER LYRA! She said. Then a voice said

Shes not your sister

Thats youre sister

Another voice apper

Toby shes not youre sister youre sister is in side of youre head and im youre mom connie

Shes right my mom name is connie the voices dont know what my mother name is so she is really not my sister. I heard foot steps then i see blood dripping from my mouth. I saw the others i said in a raspy voice help......... m-me. Then Everything went black
Sorry for short
Story nothing
To think about
Bai bai

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