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toby's Pov

I woke up in my bed felling dizzy. "Why do i always keep feeling dizzy?" I shrug it off and head downstairs to eat.

Timeskip 3rd person Pov!

"HEY hey masky hey masky hey masky hey masky!" "WHAT?!" "Calm down! I wanted to eat you're cheese cake" "WHAT! WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" "I said i wanted to eat you're cheese cake!" "No!" Toby think for a while to let masky give him cheese cake..

Time skip (1 min)

Toby got the idea and ran to masky's bedroom and grab one of his jacket and put it on he also pop out his neko form and goes down stairs to masky "Masky!" Masky looks at toby . Masky's face was red "Nya!" That made masky's face a dark red blush "lucky my masky is at my face" masky thought. Then when masky was daydreaming toby got the advantage and get the cheese cake right next to masky and eat it...

Masky snap out of his daydream and look at toby only one slice left. Toby notice and put his mask away and put the last slice of cheese cake in his mouth this made masky Blush light pink. Toby poke masky a couple times before running off. Masky Chases after him.

Toby stops and felt danger around the area masky and toby were. Masky caches up and look at toby. Toby grab masky's wrist and teleport but not in time toby and masky got shot at the side of the neck. Toby teleported to the mansion Masky Screaming in pain and falling to the floor all the pasta's heard and they open the door the only sound they made was gasp and breathing. Slender teleported to them and Teleporte them to the infermary......

Slender yelled to everycreepypasta exept for masky and toby "WHAT HAPPEND TO MASKY AND TOBY?!" Everyone was starderled and hoodie answerd "we heard screaming on the other side of the mansion door and we open it up we saw masky on the ground screaming and toby standing we also saw that they have gun shots on the side of there neck..
Slender did you give them a mission?

"No but good explenation ill see them if i or ej can take out the bullet.... but lets see if they can talk first"

Any one wants spoiler?
Look down there

Spoiler: U R GAY!

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