The stealer

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I was in a small room and i was tied to a chair and see a figure it look like silver because the figure do not have arms and i see him get down and there was a robot hand with arms so he got it i then shouted LET ME GO!! then it was a deep voice saying no i didint know what i got my self into and why am i here then it came up to me it was silver but he had a deep voice and it had gasoline in his hand and pour it on me i shouted PLEASE STOP SILVER!! And the deep voice said again no and gets a match and he light it up (do you know the song called light it up up up light it up im on fire :3)and throws it at me i then screamed i was awoken


I was awoken by masky and slendy i noticed i turned into a boy again the other creepypasta were outside i then hear them saying what haplend toby why were you keep shouting let me go and please stop silver but silver did nothing to you masky said.I then said i-i-it w-was a-a n-nightm-mare then slendy said toby or tina i have a mission for you later ok i said ok i remeber that i had potions so i take a potion and splash it on me it didint hit anyone else but i turned back to a boy slendy said you know potions? I said some of them..

I have a secret in my room that oops said to much

Slendy said go on.

I said no.. i was afraid to lose the potion secret only jane knows too.

I forgot uhh go to sleep everyone they all go to there rooms it was 5:56 the dare i remeber when it was 6:00 time to do it i started easy

Hoodie then said lol you remeber the dare yup you waked up everyone and now.


I went to slendys office and knock

Slendy said come in

What mission doi have to do sir!

He said get a girl name ashly he gave me a folder i think its the information
It says

Ashly Frances Dialifa

Favorite murder weapon:shotgun



Black hair green eyes tan skin

I said to slendy i have to do this alone!?!?

Yes slendy said

Time skip by

I got to her place and sneak to the window she had a anime cosplay on i dont know why i then hit her in the head making her passed out i then carried her to the mansion it was easy than i thought...

I didint really care i got to a mansion and everyone stared at me

Who is that masky said ohh this is ashly the new member of the family she was easy to take out then i notive she was waking up i looked at her and said hi welcome to you new home and new family i know you will creeped out but you will get use to it ok? Ashly then said ok she got up and goes to masky's room i dont no why maybe she is lost or something then i went to masky's room and said hey masky sorry to bother but ash- before i can say ashly i went shock my crush was kissing ashly i went toyal heartbrake and strate up run to my room like it was blurred while tears falling down while running i got to my room and lock the door i didint know what happend someone then knock i stayed silents and keep on crying with no sound i knew that i was in a corner i wanted to open it but i dont whant to open it in the same time the door then been smashed and hoodie showing up hoodie went counfused he still didint see me he look at the room then finally found me then my tears whent silent to loud hoodie then rush to me then i saw a masky at my door i said masky went shock because i always whant to be around him but not anymore when my heart drop and brake then i saw hoodie leaning over me he kissed me in the forhead i had my neko form off so then turn my neko form on the run through the door and to jane with sally

Sally's POV

I saw toby as a neko i then run to toby and saying i whant to pet you toby he then got down and he let me pet him i then pet him he was starting to purr (purrpect🐈 dont hafe me cuz of pun) the neko toby turned into a normal toby i was so sad he then said sorry sally i need to talk to jane its a problem.

Jane's POV

I heard the conversation of sally and toby that there was a problem i know he know potions so he then walk up to me and said in a whisperd voice jane my crush kissed someone else i know he was heartbroken and me to because i didint whant to make him sad and we heard a shout said yay im no longer depress we know it was ashly because she was the only depress but i notice toby starting to cry i didint whant my baby toby to cry he then started crying in my shoulder i said to toby. Toby follow me he quickly gets off my shoulder and wipping his tears away and i started walking he was following me we got to the place that i can solved the probleme toby said why are we in my room? So i can turn you to something that happend to you in the past is...

Bye guys cliffhanger dun dun dun guess what jane is going to say peeps i beat my high score

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