Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven


"Kay....Kayy.... KAY!" I felt someone hit my arm and I groaned as I turned my body away from him. I knew exactly who that someone was. "Kay you're phone is ringing". I groaned again as I put a pillow over my head. I had a ragging headache. "Damn it Kay". Sasha hand reached over me to the dresser to pick up my phone before he answered it. "Hello.... oh no sorry it's Sasha Mr. Lambert". My eyes shot open at the sound of his name. "No I don't think he's busy today- what the - Kay". I snatched my phone from him and quickly ended the call. "What the hell was that for". I groaned once again as I fell back on the my bed. "Hello I'm talking to you-"

"What happened last night I don't remember being in here". I looked at Sasha and noticed he was in his clothes from yesterday and when I lifted the covers so was I.

"You don't remember anything"?

"No... why"? His cheeks turned a bit red as he looked away from me for a second and mumbled something under his breath.

"Nothing, but I wouldn't expect you to with how drunk you were". This time Sasha gave me a glare and I smiled cheekily.

"I wasn't drunk, I was tipsy".

"Yeah right". He scoffed as he started to get up from the bed but I stopped him by grabbing his hand and pulling him into my chest. "Kay..." He whined as I buried my face in his neck.

"What". I mumbled.

"I have to get up".

"Why"? This time I whined and he giggled a bit.

"I have stuff to do".


"Grocery shopping because I know for a fact you didn't do it". I laughed as I wrapped my arm around his waist almost laying on top of him as I lifted my head from his neck.

"Wow... shoots fired". He snorted very cutely if I might add as he hit my arm and I smiled.


"Yeah". I answered as he ran his fingers through my short hair.

"Why'd you hang up the phone". I sighed as I rolled off of him getting up from my bed.

"I didn't feel like talking".

"Why not"?

"Because I didn't". Was my answer before I walked into my bathroom grabbing my tooth brush and turning the shower on so it could warm up.

"He calls you all the time and you ignore him, did he say something to you or-"

"No." Sasha sighed as he leaned against the bathroom door frame.

"He's your Dad".

"And when I feel like talking to him I'll call him".


"You wanna shower with me"?

"Wha- What!" Sasha cheeks turned red instantly. "Why would yo- you say that"?

"Oh no reason just thought that was why you were in here. Thought you wanted to join since you're in the door way. I wash your back and you wash mine " I shot him a wink and his eyes widen as he shook his head and turned around.

"Jackass". He mumbled before walked away closing the door and I chuckled.

I showered pretty slower than usual, mostly because I still wasn't that sober. I literally hadn't been this drunk in a while, I don't remember anything from yesterday. Well besides that Sasha was mad at me. I wonder if he's still mad. I mean he slept with me last night so I must have apologized. Well that or he just didn't want me puking and choking in my sleep. I sighed as I got out of the shower and got dress just as slow before I headed to the kitchen smelling breakfast.

It's Complicated Loving A Jackass(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now