Chapter One

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Felicity Jones as the adorable yet Feisty cross dressing Sasha

Chapter One


I groaned as I opened my eyes and was hit with the sun's horrible rays of sunlight, a throbbing headache, and an unsuitable nauseating feeling. That's it I'm calling it, the day hasn't even started yet and today officially sucks.

I threw the covers off of me before I got up slowly and sighed running a hand through my hair. I slowly made my way to the bathroom and did my business, before I walked into the living room and saw my roommate Sasha munching on a cracker.

"Well that's not much of a breakfast now darling is it". Sasha looked up to glare at me from his spot on the couch and I smirked.

"Well maybe if someone I know actually did his job around here, I wouldn't be stuck sitting on a broken down couch and a damn box of crackers for breakfast now would I hmm". I winced at that rubbing the back of my neck guiltily.

"I forgot". I mumbled before sending him a sweet smile, but he waved me off given me the finger.

"Whatever I'll just go grocery shopping.... again.... all alone". I rolled my eyes at him as he put his hand to his forehead doing the most over dramatic and fakest faint I've ever seen. I chuckled jumping on the couch in the spot next to him.

"Awe I'm sorry baby". I cooed pulling him in my arms and kissing his cute and chubby cheeks. I laughed when he scrunched up his nose and wiped his cheek before trying to push me off of him.

"Get off, you over sized jerk... damn you bastard ". I smiled at him and he blushed, before he quickly turned his head and gave up leaning against me as he got another cracker from the box. His cheeks were still rosy as he munched on his cracker cutely, and I smiled again he's been blushing a lot lately.

I met Sasha while I was on summer break last year when I was getting ready for my first year in college. I bumped into him at a coffee shop, and we just hit it off in an odd way though which was weird if that even makes sense. We became friends and after a month of knowing him I found out he was homeless and invited him to stay in my apartment since I lived alone. I even pulled a few strings with My dad to get him enrolled in the college I was going to, since I found out he wanted to be a doctor. My Dad even managed to get him a full scholarship, which Sasha politely refused saying I was doing to much for him. But I smacked some sense into him.... metaphorically of course and got him to agree, but that was only after I let him pay most of the bills for the apartment which he kept two jobs to pay. I tired to get him to quit one and to split the bill in half, but he sternly denied and threaten to cut off my balls if I suggested that again. So I do it on the down low and put the money back in his money jar that he keeps hidden in the cabinet that he doesn't know I know about.

We've been living together for a year now and he is the complete opposite of me, but we work since he keeps me in check. Sasha is also the most adorable person I've met, and the fact that he's a cross dresser just adds to how cute he really is.

"Kay.....Are you even listening to me"? Sasha snapped his fingers in my face, capturing my attention before he rolled his piercing green eyes. "Of course your not, your phone is ringing captain genius". I rolled my eyes at him before I grabbed my phone off the table in the center of the living room.

"Hello". I answered and struggled to hear the person who called me, since there was a lot of chatter in the background.

"Would you guys shut up, Jesus next time you ride in your own damn car". Kenndie's voice was clear and stern as she yelled at who ever was in the car with her. "Hello... Kay are you there"?

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