Chapter Fourteen

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Sasha POV

I woke up to the sound of soft snoring and a hand around my naked hip and I couldn't help but smile. I just couldn't believe.... this happened. I rolled around careful not to wake him as I snuggled my face into his chest. I've been in love with Kay since the day he first spoke to me. There hasn't been a moment with him that I haven't cherished, and last night.... I cherished the hell out of that moment. I cherished his hands that caressed my body. I cherished his kisses he bestowed upon me, and all in all.... I cherished him.

I sighed as I let my hand gently caress his face. I love him with all my heart, but I know that he'll never love me the way I love him. He loves me as a friend, and last night he needed me. So I gave him all I had, even if he wakes up and realizes what I have to give isn't enough, my heart would still beat for him. Johnny's a dumb son of a gun for giving up a guy like this, but that's just it. Kay loves Johnny, not me. But even though I know that, I still can't stop my heart from pounding at the sight of him, from hoping and wishing that maybe.... just maybe when he wakes up he'll finally chose me. But even so if he does I'll be a rebound. A true rebound because I was the guy he had sex with to get his mind off the guy who had just broke his heart. I sighed again as I let my hand that was touching him gently fall to my side. I was nothing more than a drunken night, and that's something I need to drill into my head. All I needed was one night, just like I had told him. I was his even if it was just for a second. I tried to clench my thirst, but shit it only made my mouth dryer because I wanted him, I wanted more than one night. But the reality is..... I'm just a friend. A friend who's in love with someone who's in love with someone else. How much more fucked up could I actually get.


"He what"!

"Be quite Kenndie you're gonna get us kicked out".

"I'm sorry but that son of a bitch, who the fuck does he think he is. I swear I never liked that fucker and never knew why we invited him any fucking where. I swear when I see that one inch fucker I'm gonna shove my foot right down his throat and laugh as I watch him choke". She whispered/yelled at me as she clenched her fist. We were in a restaurant she had wanted to try for a while now, and invited Oliver, Noah, and of course myself. I didn't exactly have anything planned today. When I had woken up it was one o'clock in the afternoon and Sasha was nowhere to be found. I felt my heart speed up at the mention of his name. Last night was-

"Kay"! Kenndie snapped her fingers in my face breaking my train of thought.

"Huh". She rolled her eyes.

"I bet you didn't hear a word I said". She mumbled as she folded her arms.

"In other words what she's trying to say is, are you okay"? Ollie asked as he tilted his head along side Noah. They both looked at me cautiously as if one wrong word would make me break apart and crumble, but to their surprised I was far from crumbling.

"I'm fine". I smiled, and they all looked at me as if I had grown another head.

"It's okay you don't have to be strong around us, we're your friends and we're here for you". Noah said this time with a soft voice and I gave them another smile. I had just told them what happened with Johnny, and I know they're worried, but honestly there's no need to be because I felt great.

"So what happened with Sasha after we left"? Kenndie asked and my heart skipped a beat.

"Oh, uh it's all good-"

"Errrr Stop, rewind. Say that again. Did he just say 'OH' and 'UH' in the same sentence".

"He sure did". Ollie said confirming Kenndie's statement as he giggled a bit and I rolled my eyes.

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