Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


I found myself awkwardly in a car with Johnny, and Sasha. Truthfully I don't really know or quite understand why this car ride is so awkward.... but it is. My boyfriend and my best friend.... should be a breeze right.

"So-" I started hoping someone else would chime in, but they didn't. "Why do you think Daniel wants us all to come over"?


"Obviously It has something to do with Oliver right".

Silence again..... great.
I didn't say anything and after a couple of minutes later they both answered with a low grunt of sure or yeah. Johnny stared out the window in his passenger seat and Sasha did the same in the back seat. Note to self... never offer a car ride to the both of them at the same time again. Thank god Ollie and Daniel didn't live to far from me.

We pulled up at their apartment building the same time as Kenndie and she gave me a devilishly look as she got out of her car. "Well well Well, look who made it. I thought I was gonna have to chase you down once a-" she cut herself short when a she saw Johnny exiting out of the car. She shot me a look of disbelief, and I momentarily forgot I never told any of them that Johnny and I had made up.... and were now a couple, but judging from her look I don't think Johnny did either. "Oh... hi Johnny". She continued after a moment of Silence before she moved to Sasha to give him a hug. She shot me another look but didn't say anything as she grabbed his hand and directed him into Oliver and Daniel's apartment.

When we entered. Noah, Dilen, Brice, Daniel and Oliver's sister Violet were all sitting at the dinning room table. "Hey guys". I spoke as I made my way to the table to take a seat. I sat next to Kenndie since she sat next to Sasha and Johnny took a seat next to me. "Where's Ollie"? I asked but no one answered instead they all just stared at me. "What"? I frowned and Daniel cleared his throat.

"He still at work, I just wanted to chat with you guys before he gets home".

"About"? I questioned as he smiled and stood up from the table.

"Glad you asked, as you know everyone of you here is very important to Ollie and he respect each and everyone of your opinions-"

"Damn Daniel just spit it out". Daniel rolled his big brown eyes at Kenndie before he sighed.

"So much for my speech".

"Boo whoo We're all crying-"

"I just wanted to throw Ollie a surprise birthday party and I wanted to get everyone's blessing slash opinion on my proposal".

"What proposal"? I asked and he gave me a smile I've never seen him give anyone but Ollie before as he spoke.

"A marriage proposal-"

"Oh my god".


"Yes, oh hell yes. It's about damn time you put a ring on that tight ass-"

"Are you crazy". Everyone reacted in different ways but at the same time.

"What are you talking about crazy Johnny". Kenndie shot him a glare and Johnny rolled his eyes.

"You're clearly insane if you think them getting married is a good idea. First of all they're just about to be twenty-one. Who in their right mind wants to be bond to someone at twenty-one. And they're high school sweethearts, no offense Daniel, but logically speaking you're probably gonna grow out of this phase in your life-"

"You're such an asshole-"

"You can call me whatever you want, but he asked for my opinion and I'm just telling the truth, sorry that you all are just to chicken shit to tell him no-"

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