Prologue (When Fate Entwines)

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  • Dedicated to To YOU <3

          They say that we don't hold a remote control in our life to make it stop and replay or to even fast forward it to skip the things we don't want to experience. They believe that we are just characters in the play called "life"; we are not the writer of our lives nor the director of it. We are directed by the thing known as "Fate."

             “You want me.” A smug smile appears in his lush lips. And dang he was totally right. His piercing gaze does not give me enough time to think. Well, my scrambled thoughts is not helping at all. His lips are so close to mine; he is inches away from kissing me. 

           I know this will happen any time soon. I’ve predicted it and I’m not going to deny it- I want Zayn. Is it possible to hate and want the same person at the same time? Probably hell no, right? I’m starting to convince myself that I need to go to asylum anytime soon. 

          After being replaced twice by the most important persons in her life, Elena Grey promised herself to keep away from people like them. But what will happen if Fate manipulated her life and pushed her to the world of Zayn Malik? "Zayn Malik.Wow. What's the problem with that?" People will  state that because they only knew the Zayn Malik in front of the press, fans and the cameras. Little did they know that the Zayn Malik of One Direction they saw on tv is not the same as the Zayn Cocky Malik at home. Fight or Flight? Of course, Elena will resist the force of her own will. On the top of that, she had no choices left to choose. 

Hey guys! Like I said before, I edited the whole story. Don't worry! the story line will be quite the same as before. :D If you want to see chapter 1, please locate [NEW] CHAPTER 1- REPLACED. Thank you! :)

When Fate EntwinesWhere stories live. Discover now